Chapter 27

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School class done and about to go to my car when someone called me.

"Hi Jen." Jungkook said with his member.

"Hey." I said and stop walking.

"Your father invite me for dinner tonight want me to take you there?" He said about to carry my bag but I move a little.

"No thank you, I have my car. See you there." I said and walk to my car and drive.


"I'm home." I said as I walk going to the dining area.

There I saw my father with jungkooks dad.

"Oh you're here mija." Father said and kiss my head, then I kiss mother's cheeks. And settled down.

"I invite jungkook to dinner with us mija, is that okay with you?" He asked me nicely I just nod at him.

"Sorry I'm late dad and uncle." Jungkook said and bow to them and sit at the opposite side.

"Let's eat." My mother said while smiling.

We start to eat and they're talking of course about business.

My father and jungkook dad are friends since highschool, while me and jungkook since grade school, before we're close friends but when he confess to me I back away because I can't give what he wants because I like girls. That's why he transfer to the JYP university when we turn senior high he said that's his way to move on from me. But I guess his feelings for me still not fading.

"How are you two?" Jungkook dad said.

"We're fine dad. Don't need to ask geez." Jungkook said and chuckle. I can feel his gaze at me.

"You two are really good together." My father said. "Why don't you go on date?"

I stop eating when I heard my father, I lost my appetite.

"I ask jen many times but she always rejecting me." He said to my father.

"Just give it a try mija, one date is not gonna hurt." He said, I look at him with irritation.

"Fine." I said so that this fucking conversation end fast. "Excuse me. I'm gonna go now to my room." I bow at them. I saw how jungkook smile from ear to ear.

"I'm gonna fetch you tomorrow after lunch jen. Thanks and good night." He said and wave his hand. I just nod at him.

If it wasn't for my father, I wouldn't have agreed.


"Ma'am, Mr. Jungkook is now downstairs." My maid said.

"Okay." I said and put some final retouch on my face, and head downstairs.

"Wow. You always blow me away with your gorgeousness." He compliment me while smiling.

"Thanks. Let's go." I lazily said.

We go to his car and he start driving.

Time skip..

"Hey jen. I'm sorry if we having a date here at the mall. This is the only thing we love to go when we were grade school. I hope you still remember that." He said and I look at her face.

"Yeah. Of course I remember that." I said to him and look around.

"Really?! I'm so glad you said that." He said and squill like a kid. "Let's go to the arcade."

He said, what I like about jungkook, he always respect my decisions. He always ask me, he always concerned about me. But... He's a good guy yeah. But I love lisa.

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