Chapter 26

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Peacefully eating here at the park while looking at the sunset.

"Damn. Beautiful." I said while munching my food.

"Yes it is." I heard someone said and sit beside me. I look at her quickly. She's kind'a familiar to me.

"You want some?" I said offered her my other food. She shake her head.

"No thank you." She said but I heard her tummy growl. She quickly put her hands in her face.

"It's alright, you can have it." I said and give it to her.

She get it and start eating it.

"Thanks." She said and I just nod. We both look at the sunset enjoying our food.

Minutes past the sun replace by the moon.

"I'm gonna go. Thank you for the food ...?"

"Lisa. And you are?" I said.

"L-light?." She said. Why I have this feeling like she's not sure about her name?

I shrugged it off.

"Uhm. Ok. Take care light." I said and wave my hand.

"Uhm lisa.. are you busy? Do you like to drink with me?" She asked nicely.

"Uhm? Sure. A little drink won't hurt." I said and we both walk to where we can drink.


"I think it's fine here." Light said to me, I look around there's men talking and drinking, the beef that their cooking linger all over the place.

"Yeah." I said and we both sit at the table.

"Agassi, three bottles of soju here and lot's of meat please." She said and smile at me.

She's really familiar to me the heck. Fun fact I'm not good memorising faces really.

When agassi place our order we start to eat and drink, we talk about random things and laugh.

"You know lalishaa... I'm happy that I saw you there at the park, because If I don't? I don't have someone to talk to." She said and drink again. The alcohol start to hit us.

"Yeah me too, I'm also thankful because I'm eating free food." I said and we both chuckle.

"Can I tell you a screjkkl?" She said while her eyes are half open.

"Huh?" I said in confusion.

"Did you know that I have this one girl I super hate?" She said and drink again. I didn't answer her and keep listening.

"I hate her being perfect, I-I hate her because everything she does she always got praise. Even my parents praise her. Fucking shit." She said and drink the whole bottle but I get it to her mouth.

"You have too much light. I'll going to take you home." I said to her.

"You c-can't. I can't. I run away from home." She said and her eyes start to cry. She bit her lip like hesitating. She get her handkerchief and wipe her lips harshly then a bruise is now visible to her right lips.

"What happened to that?" I asked her in a worried tone and sit beside her and carefully put the cold water bottle to her mouth.

"It's my father... We had a fight a while ago. That's why I run away from home. I can't take it anymore." She said and sob. She hug me, her face is on the crook of my neck.

"Shh. It's alright to cry." I said comforting her.

"Sup girls, want to go with us?" A man said arrogantly sit infront of us.

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