Chapter 19

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Thursday 7:00 AM

I'm preparing now going to school when we heard a knock on my door.

"I'm gonna go get it." Dahyun said while I'm brushing my bangs infront of the mirror.

I heard dahyun unlock the door then like she's talking with someone and laughing.

"Hey ALPHA their here." She shout so I can hear her. I grab my keys and go towards them.

"Let's go guys." I said to them, I start my engine so as the other car in the back following me going to school.


We're here now at the school parking lot.
I'm the first who get out of the car then they follow me. This is the day when they'll meet my own gang. They all know that I'm creating my own gang because of my great friend seulgi aish, they also know what happen on tuesday... but they didn't know who and how many we are...

I'm in the center walking while both hands in my pocket, while in my right side was HANBIN while in my left was hanbin's twin who is HARUTO, in my back was DAHYUN, FELIX, KARINA, and lastly is SEHUN.

"Wow, they look so hot." The students murmurs.

"Omg! The twins, they're so hot, especially lisa." The girl said.

I know having this few members can't defeat any gangs but here's how I found them.


Monday 7:06 pm

I'm here at the arcade shop to have fun because in my house It's so boring I do not have anyone to talk to cuz dahyun still at work, I chose to play tekken, I really love this game. I'm busy playing when I heard a loud thud at my back, it's two guys fighting. I don't mind them and continue to play...

my forehead hit the screen because the man pushed his enemy and he fell on me, i hold my forehead and caressing it. I'm gonna kill this stupid dumbass!!

"Yah!!!" I shout to them, "if you will fight not here idiots! You!" I pointed my finger to the guy who fell on my back "If you can't accept the fact that you loose stop playing video games! And you dumbass!" Then I pointed my finger to the other guy. "Don't be a cheater! If you want to win." I sat back in my chair.

"Whatever woman. We don't give a fuck" He said and kick my seat. The other man chuckle.

"Oh really?" I said to them. This time I decided to face them, they're fucking tall. "Wanna play a game?" I asked them while smirking.

"Oh sure. If you win we will do whatever you want. But if you loose of course you'll do whatever we want." The other guy said. "Deal?"

"Deal" and then we shake hands.

We both choose tekken to play.

Minutes later ...

"Let's go guys." I said to them, they just sigh in defeat and follow me. They can't defeat a MANOBAN.

"Oh hey the two of you, what is your name." I asked with a firm voice. We're heading to a restaurant because that fucking game's make us hungry. Aish.

"I'm Hanbin Kim and this is my twin brother Haruto Kim." He said. Oh shit that's why they look a like, i face palm my inner self.

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