Chapter 13

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I'm heading to our room because the lunch is over. I saw jisoo and lisa together but they didn't attend class a while ago, i think they ditch class for some reason. Lucky me i have a peaceful hours without that annoying jisoo beside me. Hoping she always cut class, my happiness gone when i saw them entering our room. 'oh come on.'

"Sup mi' lady." Jisoo said and sit next to me.

"So my peaceful moment is gone." I sigh.

"Why? You find me annoying?" Her smile turn into sad face.

"Guess what. Yes." I sarcastically said.

"That's hurt love." She point at her chest fake act she's really hurting. "But lucky you.. I still love you." She poke my arms soflty and she's about to kiss my cheeks, i was shocked and quickly get my book and slap it to her face.

"Yah! That's fucking hurt PARK CHAEYOUNG!" She's holding her mouth.

"You're trying to kiss me!" I complained and slap her arm five times.

"Stooop. Sorry ok, i will not do it again. Unless you said so hehe."

"You really never stop huh?!" I know my face is red because of my anger this chicken really know how to push my button.

We stopped when our teacher came. Then start the lecture. I was listening to our teacher when jisoo give me a fold paper, before i open it has a "smile before you open." What are we kinder? Jisoos. I look at jisoo and gestured her hand to make me smile, i just roll my eyes.

Encircle your answer.

Do you like me?

Yes or Yes

I circle the 'or' then i fold it and give it to her.
I can see her face that she was excited but it vanished when she saw my answer. She pout and I can't help myself to laugh a little.

"I guess this is very important to the both of you rather than to my discussion." I startled when our teacher is already infront of us and snatch the paper to jisoo's hand. Then she read it.

"Ma'am you need to smile before you open it. Hehe." Jisoo said. This fucking chicken !!

I was shocked when our teacher do that but she erase her smile when she forgot she's mad at us. I won't lie. That's really funny.

"You got rejected jisoo. I'm so sorry." Our teacher said.

"I know ma'am, but i will never stop." Jisoo make a fighting hand.

"So continue this outside.! Both of you, get out of my class." Our mad teacher said.

What the!? I'm going to kill this chicken!!! We bow our head and go outside the room. I immediately grab jisoo's neck and shake her.

"You. Freaking. Chicken. This. Is. Your. Fault.!" I was mad mad bruh.

"Whkkalhs ebksjs hwksjw!" I can't no longer understand her, I stop myself because she's turning purple aish! "I was this close to God chipmunk!" She said panting while rubbing her neck.

"Be thankful I didn't." I flip my hair and turn around, i feel guilty to what I've done. But it's her fault!

"I know you can't my chipmunk, you love me." The confidence of this girl!

Hours later our teacher discussion is done so we enter again in our room.

"How was the weather outside the room jisoo?" Lisa laugh teasing jisoo.

"Full of love lisa." She answer and wink at me.

"I'm gonna go with irene later." Seulgi said looking at irene, irene don't mind her.

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