yours, mine, ours, (Pt. 7)

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You sat next to Billie on her velvet couch, practically in her lap as you snuggled into her. You worried your wet hair would bother her, but she assured you that it was fine.

The both of you were conversing softly as a random reality tv show played on in the background. It was a mindless conversation, really, but any conversation with Billie was enlightening in your mind.

The sound of large bells rang through the house as you looked up at Billie. The doorbell? Hadn't she only ordered the pizza barely ten minutes ago?

Billie went to move but you quickly intercepted. "I'll check." You said softly as you got up from your comfortable position but gasped as Billie tugged you down to plant a soft kids on your lips.

"You think the pizzas here already?" You questioned in a whisper as you pulled away from the kiss.

"Maybe someone's head to murder us." She smirked and gave your waist a squeeze before she finally let you go. You merely rolled your eyes and chuckled at her outlandish remark.

The doorbell rang again, making the both of you jump. You widened your eyes in amusement before turning frantically and sprinting to the door.

Swinging the door open a gasp escaped your lips before you had a chance to comprehend the situation you were just thrown into. "Cordelia..." You froze in the doorway as you stared at her in front of you. She was dressed in her everyday formal attire but she looked almost... disheveled?

Her clothes and hair were neat... but even her makeup couldn't hide that she wasn't okay. Dark eye bags peaked through her cake-y concealer and her lipstick was worn. You couldn't help but start to worry.

The worry soon went away, however, as you felt a hand wrap around your waist. You sighed in relief to find Billie by your side. You looked up and met her eyes, who's soon also met Cordelia's, with a much less kinder gaze.

"Hello Cordelia." She stated, her tone proving just what her eyes already said. She stared Cordelia down and you swore you almost saw Cordelia's defenses start to fall.

She gathered herself rather quickly. "Hi Billie." She looked to Billie then to you. "Y/N," She shifted her feet. "I was wondering if I could have a private word with Y/N?" Cordelia asked, her eyes flickering between you and Billie. It was almost like she asked Billie for permission.

Billie looked down to you and could tell you didn't wish to speak to Cordelia, so she whispered in your ear, "Do you want me to send her away?" a slight squeeze to your waist sealed the moment.

You stayed still for a moment. This shouldn't even be a decision. You should've nodded right away and Billie would be telling her off instead of this awkward silence.

But instead, your hands started to shake and your eyes begged to let tears spill. You didn't know what to do.

It was too soon to see Cordelia again, and you hadn't had a choice in the matter. She simply showed up. A perfectly amazing day with Billie was being ruined by the second.

"Y/N?" Billie spoke louder this time. You looked up at her and nodded softly. You decided right then and there that Cordelia wasn't going to ruin another minute of your life.

"Sorry Ms. Goode. Another time perhaps?" Billie spoke calmly but with a tone that showed she meant business. You stared to the ground.

Cordelia's face grew in confusion. She thought you'd at least give her a chance to explain. Now you weren't even speaking to her?

"Well I-" She stammered. "Can I at least have a window as to when you'll be back in Robichaux's? Zoe's had to take up your class and she's rather busy already..." she trailed off, trying to make an excuse because knowingly, Zoe was not busy. She only had one class she taught on the regular.

You thought for a moment. You weren't sure when you'd be back. "She's going to stay with me for awhile." Billie spoke for you, pulling you into her side in a comforting way. You were happy Billie had your back and understood how you were feeling without you having to say a word.

"Can she suddenly not talk for herself? And that doesn't answer my question. I'm a dates person, you know." Cordelia's eyes squinted slightly in annoyance as she glared at Billie, then looked back to you in hopes you'd finally speak to her.

Billie scoffed under her breath, but this time you spoke up. "Cordelia," you snapped. "I won't be back for awhile. I'm staying here until Billie's next shoot, and I don't know when that will be. I'll let you know." Cordelia wasn't quite sure what to say as she opened her mouth and no words came out.

"I- Okay." She finally said aloud in momentary defeat. "Please message me an exact date when you have it." She sounded sad, but you tried not to let it bother you.

Your only worry now was if Billie would let you stay that long. You truthfully had no idea when her next shoot would be. You just kind of.. spit an answer out. At least it somewhat satisfied Cordelia.

Billie's grip didn't leave your waist as you both watched Cordelia walk back to her car and drive away. You both stayed there, in the doorway, until her car was no longer in sight, and Billie's first words spilled from her mouth.

"Until my next shoot, hm?" Her tone was full of tease as she pulled you into the house and shut the door. A smirk was plastered across her face.

"I- I hope that's okay. I know I just basically invited myself over for god knows how long but honestly I just wanted Cordelia to go away..." You laughed nervously as your sentence trailed off, but Billie just smiled as you both settled back into your spots on the couch.

She pulled you as close as she could into her side and kissed the top of your head. Squeezing you lovingly and whispering into your hair, "You can stay here as long as you'd like sweetheart." You couldn't hide the smile that grew on your face in response.

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