The Gift // billie dean howard (pt. 2)

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Billie opened her front door, locking it behind her as she entered her large house. It's true what she said, her house was pristine, tidy and filled with antiques and anything adorning pearls or silk. She had her tastes, it was evident.

Now, Billie was used to the random spirit making their appearance in her house, it wasn't startling at this point in her life. It was easy to ignore, or simply dismiss a spirit, but before her in her living room upon her sofa was someone she had never met before. "Who might you be?" Billie asked, hanging her pink coat on her coat rack.

"You spoke to my granddaughter today." The ghost spoke and Billie froze, was this Bella's grandmother? "Bella?" Billie asked, turning to face the ghost. The ghost was young, seeming as if she died in her 20's, not her 80s or 90s as she presumed.

Billie new ghosts could change their form, but most did not. The ghost smiled brightly, "Yes! My dear Isabella. I may listened in on your conversation with her..." the ghost admitted. "I knew I felt a presence..." Billie rapped her nails against her crossed arms.

"I didn't want to intrude. I've been trying to get Isabella to see me, to be able to communicate, but she just isn't ready." The ghost's smile turned to a frown.

"Well i'll be helping her. Starting tomorrow. It will be Saturday and i'm going to meet with her... here, I guess." Billie spewed the information, she hadn't really wanted to meet with the girl in her home, but it felt like the best place.

"Thank you. For doing this. I miss her greatly and I just wish I had had the time to do this myself." the ghost frowned more.

"Time is not your fault. We leave this realm at our time to do so. Do not blame yourself for her improper training." Billie configured, trying to reassure the ghost. "I never caught your name?" Billie asked.

"Oh yes, I apologize. It's Margaret, most people called me Maggie. You are Billie, correct?" The ghost asked. "Billie Dean Howard, yes." Billie sighed and looked towards the spirit, but she was gone.

"Alright then." Billie whispered to herself and shook her head, still trying to wrap her thoughts around what she had gotten herself into.


The next day, Billie heard a knock at her front door. "This is starting to feel familiar." She sighed, looking through the peep hole and seeing Isabella. She took a moment to compose herself before swinging the door open and beckoning her inside.

"Please take your shoes off." Billie herself was shoeless, she hated the idea of wearing shoes in her own home. Getting her pristine floor dirty for the sake of fashion. Billie was well dressed, mind you, but her house was her home. She wasn't going to ruin that and make more work for herself in the process.

Billie always refused to hire a cleaning service, it was her home, she was going to clean it herself. So no matter how professional she wanted to look, she simply wasn't going to put on shoes just to see a one time client, if you could call the child that.

Billie was still very obviously apprehensive to the entire situation, but especially after the conversation with the girl's grandmother, she knew she genuinely did want to help.

"You can set them there on the shoe rack." Billie pointed to a wooden piece of furniture hidden by the door. Bella found an empty spot and slid her shoes inside. She was extremely nervous for this. She had never met someone like her.

"You needn't be nervous, dear. Please sit." Billie was already seated on an arm chair by the time Bella walked back to the living room. "I didn't say I was nervous." Bella retorted as she took a seat on the couch opposite to Billie's chair.

"You didn't have to."

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