beg // cordelia x venable

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a/n: so i am straight up awful at writing smut so i hope this isn't as bad as i feel it is 🤙🏻

"Cordelia, please" Wilhemina whined as she tugged on Cordelia's silky blonde hair that was still somehow perfectly cascading down her shoulders, even with her face buried in Wilhemina's core.

Cordelia had been at this for nearly an hour now, drawing out Wilhemina's pleasure as long as she could just so she could hear those pretty begs spill from her lover's mouth. Under any other circumstances, you would never, and I mean never, hear Wilhemina Venable begging, ever. But with Cordelia?

"Baby please, please" Mina continued on and Cordelia smiled as she pulled away from her lover's core "I'm sorry darling," she cooed, tracing patterns on Mina's thigh as she looked up innocently from her position between them.

Mina pouted and let out a whine from being forced to let go of Cordelia's hair and she nearly yelped as Cordelia stared right at her as she carefully slid two fingers inside her. "Look at me sweetheart, I love seeing that pretty little face of yours as you beg" she smirked as Mina's eyes met her own and she whined yet again, "Harder please!" Cordelia obliged, her thumb now tracing agonizingly slow circles on Mina's clit as she thrust harder into her. "Oh god, yes! That feels so good." she squeezes the sheets beneath her in a tight fist until her knuckles are white.

"I love seeing you like this," Cordelia softly says as she watches Wilhemina writhe beneath her touch. "Please don't stop," Mina's breathing becomes even more labored, "God I'm so close," Cordelia watches as Mina's eyes squeeze shut and she knows she's telling the truth. "Please may I cum?" Mina whines, rolling her hips onto Cordelia's fingers and Cordelia chuckles softly. "Can you hold on for a little longer? You're doing so well for me sweetheart," Mina whines loudly in protest "You look so beautiful like that, i'd love to watch you just a little longer, can you do that for me?" Cordelia's voice is soft and Wilhemina cant help but obey, nodding her head as she whines, trying her best to be good. "Such a good girl," Cordelia coos and keeps her movements steady.

Cordelia could watch Wilhemina like this for days if she were physically able. She loved seeing her otherwise authoritarian lover writhe beneath and submit to her every want and need, within her capabilities. She knew Wilhemina wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. "Darling?" Cordelia looked up at Wilhemina, "Look at me while you cum," and Wilhemina nearly sobbed in relief as she was given permission to finally get her release.

"Fuck, yes Cordelia!" Wilhemina moaned loudly as she had a near staring contest with her lover and Cordelia's mouth watered at the sight. She watched as Mina came down from her high, finally looking away from her and panting as she caught her breath.

Cordelia gently pulled her fingers from inside Mina and groaned as she licked them clean before crawling up and giving Mina a gentle kiss on the forehead. "You did so well sweetheart," and followed with a real kiss that they both melted into.


god i cringed writing that entire thing i hope it was semi decent, i really am quite awful at this kinda thing but i'm trying

not edited

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