The Gift // billie dean howard (pt. 3)

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"Okay well... what's first then?" Bella asked and Billie smiled, she was already growing attached to young girl.

"Well..." She spun around on her heel to face Bella. "I spoke to your grandmother yesterday and she's very happy about all of this." Billie explained yesterday to Bella.

"You did?"

"Yeah I did. She misses you greatly."

"I miss her too. I wish I could talk to her." Bella said softly, resting her face in her hands with a sigh.

"You will. One day at least. Not now, but I promise you that you will. I'm sure much sooner than even I expect. She seemed quite sure if your gifts." Billie smiled at the girl and Bella gave a small smile back.

"What do we do first?" She asked and Billie tapped her fingers across her cheek in thought. "What presences do you feel here?" She concluded that would be the first "test" of sorts.

There were many spirits in Billie's home and truthfully she liked it that way. They kept her company in an otherwise empty house. She chose it for a reason.

"I'm assuming that means there are some? This isn't some trick question is it?" Bella didn't seem to trust Billie yet, but that was to be expected. She was a teenager after all. A teenager who was in a house with a complete stranger, abandoned by her parents and forced to be trained of her gifts.

I'm sure that what it felt like to her, anyway.

"I don't know. You tell me." Billie smirked and sat in a chair opposite of Bella, crossing her legs and tuning into her own surroundings.

She usually was so used to the spirits she didn't really take the time to figure out who exactly was there at any given time. She just knew that at least one or two was always by her side.

"Okay... um..." Bella began, closing her eyes. That was a good start, Billie thought. She remembered as a young teenager when she began teaching herself her gifts, that closing her eyes was the gateway to concentration. That's what every book said.

"I don't know. I cant pinpoint, remember? All I feel is fuzziness and a slight male figure." She huffed, opening her eyes after only a second.

"Well of course you can't, you barely even tried. Close your eyes again and really focus. Truly shift your energy. You're halfway there." Billie explained. Bella was right though, there was a male figure.

He was Billie's favorite spirit and she was quite happy that he chose to be the first one that Bella would undoubtedly identify.

His name was Anthony Mason and he was a mine worker back in the Gold Rush. He was a sarcastic and gitty young man who died an untimely tragic death at the age of 19. It made her sad to think about it, really. She thoroughly enjoyed his company none the less.

Billie was brought of her thoughts as Bella spoke again. "He's young." Was all she stated and Billie quirked a brow. Bella's eyes were still closed. "He died a long time ago. Like a long time ago. And, he likes you a lot. Enjoys your company, I mean. He's tall, brown hair, okay okay he doesn't like to be described. His name's Anthony." Bella finally opened her eyes to a brightly smiling Billie who clapped at her achievement.

"Yes! Perfectly done Bella. I like him a lot too, by the way. His full name is Anthony Mason. He won't give me his middle name for whatever reason." She looked over Bella's shoulder to see Anthony rolling his eyes and waving her statement away like it was smoke in the air.

"He was part of the Gold Rush. He died an untimely death at 19 in the mines. A real tragedy. Neither of us enjoy speaking of it, sorry Anthony." She gave him a sympathetic smile and he shrugged it off. He had come to terms with it by now. Billie hadn't.

"You did wonderfully Bella. Can you see him?" Billie asked and Bella shrugged. She didn't know where to look. Billie pointed beside her and Bella glanced over, jumping when she realize he was sitting right beside her.

"Well don't be rude and get all scared of him. He's harmless." Billie laughed and Bella's scared facade went away and she calmed once she saw he was smiling and laughing along. He seemed to be a real good friend of Billie's.

Bella wondered if Billie even had any friends who weren't ghosts. But she didn't dare ask. It seemed rude.


uh, idk why i decided to update this particular mini series but i hope you enjoyed nonetheless. 😅 as always, sorry for mistakes! also, tysm for over 20k reads?! wtf?! y'all are awesome 🥺♥️

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