simply magical // venable x reader

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"Mina... please look at me," you softly say, holding your lover's chin in a light grip. Wilhemina shakes her head from her grip, whining at your words. "No," You and your lover Wilhemina are stood in your shared bedroom, Wilhemina faces away from you, ashamed of her current state of vulnerability.

"You're beautiful Wilhemina. The most gorgeous woman i've ever seen in my entire life," you begin, wringing your hands in front of you as you move until you're stood in front of her. You grab her face softly in your hands and kiss her tenderly, pulling away with a sad smile as you watch a tear run down her cheek. "How could you think that y/n? I'm hideous, disgusting," Wilhemina whimpers under her breath, still staring at the ground instead of your face.

You grab her chin, forcing her to look at you. "Never say that Wilhemina. You're beautiful, no matter what flaws you think you have." She cries softly now, still looking into your eyes. "Don't you get it? You've seen it now y/n. There's no going back. You've seen the part of me that I despise. How can you love me when you've seen that?" she looks away now, wiping a tear from her eye.

"Mina..." you use her nickname now, "I love you. So so much. I love every inch of you, including your back. You're beautiful, stunning, and simply magical. How could I not love you?" You let a tear fall down your cheek, hurt at how her insecurities affect her so greatly. "You mean that?" She bites the inside of her cheek, trying to keep her tears at bay. "More than anything i've ever said before."

She hugs you, holds you tight as she can, squeezing you into her as she cries softly. "No one has ever cared for me the way you do y/n, it scares me to death. But I love it, and I love you." She pulls away and stares into your eyes. You kiss her gently, "I love you too Wilhemina. More than you could ever imagine."


man idk what this is, this is so awful. it's like i forgot how to write ugh. i had so much more planned for this one shot but oh well. maybe i'll redo it one day?

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