military time // cordelia x reader pt 2

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Flight 416 boarding now, New Orleans to Corpus Christi. Flight 416 boarding now.

The overhead speakers blared in the airport as you yanked your earbuds out, barely hearing that your flight was finally boarding.

You'd been waiting here for the past two hours as a delay set in, minutes ticking by like hours. You just wanted to be out of here as soon as possible.

You were almost happy to be going now. After everything with Cordelia last week... you needed to be away. And so did she, so who were you to care?

You shouldn't be thinking about her feelings right now. She's the one who broke up with you. You shook your head of your thoughts as you dragged your small suitcase behind you and tugged your backpack onto your back.

This should be an easy seven months. Keeping your mind off Cordelia would be easy. You hoped it would be, at least.

You pushed through the crowds of people as you made your way to the boarding area of your plane. God why was this taking forever and a day?

Your waiting impatiently, the line moving inch by inch as people were boarded and suitcases were piled into cargo.

As soon as you went to plug in your headphones once again, your phone buzzed with a phone call.

From Cordelia.

You cursed yourself as you questioned wether or not you should answer. You knew you should've blocked her but you just never did. Maybe a part of you was hoping she'd call?

But now that she was... damn did she choose horrible timing. Your phone rang a sixth time before it cut off at the beep. You silently hoped she'd leave a voicemail... though you weren't sure if you would even be able to listen to it.

You hadn't heard her voice in days now and this was the longest you'd gone without a simple hello, really. It was sad how much you still missed the older woman.

You felt a tap on your shoulder and jumped, turning to look at whoever had touched you. "Lines moving." Oh yeah. "Sorry." You said back, moving forward just enough to be on way to actually board the plane.

You handed a random worker collecting suitcases your belongings before finally stepping foot onto the plane. You felt your phone buzz again, but ignored it completely this time as you searched for your seat.

You didn't even know what seat you chose if you were honest with yourself. The flight was booked half hazardly and done in five minutes tops.

You found yourself sitting in the middle of the plane, a decent seat really which you thanked the universe for. Lord knows you'd been on plane rides and had completely awful seating before.

You had a window seat, which you enjoyed. You liked peering through the glass and seeing the world beneath you. Glancing through clouds and-

Your phone was buzzing again. God Cordelia was relentless! You yanked your phone from your pocket and answered, shoving it to your ear as you heard the flight attendant begin her announcements and asking for all phones to be put on airplane mode.

You didn't even let Cordelia speak. "Leave me alone Cordelia, I have to go. We're about to take off and I need to put my phone away. Bye." and you hung up. Just like that.



You hung up.


"Ughhhhh" Cordelia groaned, growing frustrated as tears fell from her face to the ground. This was horrible.

She'd missed seeing you at the airport and missed a goodbye. What if you died out there? Cordelia felt increasingly stupid as time went on.

If only she had let you speak. She should've explained herself, let you speak too and hear your thoughts. Cordelia didn't want to hurt you.

Honestly it was the last thing she wished to do. But she was also the Supreme. And being the Supreme took a lot of time and energy. She wanted to be the best Supreme she could. The girls deserved that after Fiona.

She almost felt like she needed to prove herself. Make up for her mother's actions and choices and she just couldn't do that and give you everything you deserved at the same time.

Cordelia had her reasons... she just wished she had told you. She wished she had been honest. Maybe even compromised. She wished she had at least listened enough to hear that you'd be going away.

This was an absolute nightmare and for once, there was absolutely nothing Cordelia could do.


hey bestiesssss 😁

i know this probably wasn't the part two you were looking for.. but uhhh it's something!

there will most likely be a finally part to this little mini story so 3 parts in total, but this is all i have written atm.

hope you enjoyed nonetheless n as always, sorry for mistakes! :) ♥️

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