yours, mine, ours (Pt. 5)

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billie x reader x cordelia

You were so confused.

So. Fucking. Confused.

You should be happy now. Your relationship with Cordelia was finally brought to light and no longer had a wear on your shoulders. Or at least, it shouldn't have anymore.

But that's exactly what it did. Instead of solving all your problems, Cordelia breaking it off with you only made them worse.

Secretly, deep down, you had hoped that maybe she would've fought for you. But she didn't. She was emotionless and cold and it made you shudder. She wasn't who she used to be, that was for sure.

You felt awful. You had been ignoring Billie the past few days. She had called you, texted you, but you didn't respond to anything. Instead, you locked yourself up in your bedroom at the academy, crying and confused.

You could have Billie now! You didn't have to worry about things with Cordelia! Her feelings towards you were finally revealed. She didn't love you anymore.

So why did you still love her?

You were curled up in your bed under the covers as usual when there was yet another routine knock on your door.

You didn't bother to say anything, you knew it was Zoe. She had been coming to check on you daily, making sure you ate something, and drank some water.

"Y/n?" You heard Zoe's voice pierce your quiet room as she shut the door behind her. You were laying faced away from the door, and you weren't planning on moving.

"It's nearly dinner time. I brought you some food. Please eat something. At least drink this water." She said, coming into view as she placed a tray on your bedside table.

You glanced up at her and she smiled pitifully at you. You could see her brow furrow. "Cordelia's worried about you..." she whispered and you tried your best to make your face stay cold and barren of emotion.

"She's been trying to force me to come check on you multiple times a day. I've pushed her to just once." She added and you sighed, turning away from her and pulling the blanket over your head.

Your head the soft clack of her shoes against the floor, and the click of the door closing into the frame as she left. You sat up in your bed and reached over, grabbing the glass of water she had brought you.

Cordelia was worried about you.

Worried? About you? Seems highly unlikely, you thought. If she was so worried, why didn't she simply come check on you herself?

You rolled your eyes as you finished the glass of water, curling back up under the covers and falling asleep.


Billie was worried.

You hadn't answered her messages or calls all week. You normally wouldn't go more than an hour or two without responding.

She was worried something horrible had happened, but she hoped that your phone was just broken, or maybe you had been busy.

Billie glanced at her reflection in the car mirror, fixing her hair and the pearl necklace that graced her neck. She quickly climbed out of her car and walked up the steps of the academy, ringing the doorbell.

She worriedly fussed with the watch around her wrist as she waited for someone to answer the door. Usually, Spalding would be at discretion, but to Billie's surprise, the door opened to reveal Cordelia.

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