2 am

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major tw.
themes of suicide, self harm, etc.

Misty was facing away from Cordelia, the two of them standing in the green house together in middle of the night. It was freezing outside, as freezing as it gets in New Orleans, and Cordelia just wanted Misty to come inside, lay down with her, and let her hold her until all her pain went away.

But Misty wasn't planning on doing anything of the sort. And she most definitely hadn't planned on Cordelia breaking down the green house door ten minutes prior and deflating her plans for the evening. Misty had made sure Cordelia was dead asleep before slipping out of their shared room and out into the greenhouse outside. She had been planning this for awhile now and she couldn't believe how Cordelia could just ruin it all in ten minutes flat. Misty was furious with Cordelia, more angry than she'd ever been in her life. She had screamed at her, the second the hear the door knob creak, then break off and the door fly open revealing a worried Cordelia on the other side.

~ earlier ~

Misty was boiling with anger and it was all towards Cordelia, for ruining her plans. Her plans that Cordelia had hoped weren't true when she had heard from Nan of the younger witch's dark thoughts. She felt it intrusive of Nan to listen to Misty's deepest feelings, but was entirely grateful to her all the same.

When she woke up in the middle of the night to find Misty no longer sleeping beside her, her thoughts began to race and her heart rate quickened as she checked the bathroom, the kitchen, the lounging areas before making her way outside, only to hear the sound of shattering glass coming from the green house.

She instantly quickened her pace and nearly sprinted towards the noise, getting more frantic the second she realized the door had been locked from the inside. She instantly broke off the handle and pushed the door open, facing the worst of her fears.

"Get the fuck out of here Cordelia" Misty yelled, her voice raspy and harsh. Cordelia couldn't hold in the gasp that escaped her lips from hearing such dangerous words slip from her lover's mouth so freely.

"Misty..." Cordelia's eyes widened at the sight in front of her. Her beloved Misty, red faced and angrier than she'd ever seen her before. Cordelia could barely comprehend the words Misty was spewing at her as she took in the sight before her. The place was trashed. Completely. Ceiling to fucking floor. There wasn't a single pot left upright and there were broken pieces of ceramic scattered around her girlfriend.

Misty's hands were bruised and bloodied and she was shaking harder than she'd ever seen her shake before. "I said get the fuck out Delia I don' wan' you here tryin' fix everythin' this can' be fixed, I can't be fixed so just leave." Misty's words swung at Cordelia like knives. "Misty, please, come inside my love, we can bandage you up and go back to bed where you belong. This isn't you-"

"You don' know who I am anymore Cordelia! I don' even know who I am. I don' wan' be here anymore!" Misty yelled back. "You don' get a damn say!"

"Misty you're not thinking clearly just come with me and-" Misty waved her hand and slammed the door in Cordelia's face, only to be met by Cordelia standing right next to her.

"No, you're not going to shut me out Misty Day! Let me help you." Misty was sobbing at this point, the anger going down as Cordelia held a hand to her cheek.

"No Cordelia," Misty turned away from her girlfriend, wiping the tears from her cheeks.

The two were silent as they soaked in the words just spoken between them. Cordelia stepped back from her lover with a shaky sigh, hating to see her like this when there was nothing she could do.

"Please?" Cordelia whispered, "Just come lay down with me?" she was crying at this point, trying her best to hold back the sobs that choked her in the back of her throat. Misty could hear how hurt she was, and that's was when the walls went down and realized what she had done.

"Yes, can we jus' please go lay down for awhile?" Misty said turning back to Cordelia who sighed a breath of relief as she took her girlfriend's hand in her own. She wasn't going to lose her Misty, not tonight, not ever.

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