tipsy // venable x reader

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a/n: this isn't a part two to "take this somewhere" but it's still Venable so I hope you still enjoy : )

You were tipsy. Pretty fucking tipsy. and Wilhemina was not having it. You had dragged her to a friend's party after begging and begging her to let you go. She finally let you, under the condition that she would accompany you.

You were nervous, you knew how protective she could be. But you really wanted to go to the party, so you agreed.

Now here you were, tipsy as fuck on tequila, chatting away with your best friend with Wilhemina by your side, holding onto your waist possessively.

"Remember that time after graduation where we made out in your old minivan? That car was a wreck and a half y/n!" Your best friend giggled as she recalled an old memory.

You and her used to go out the last year of high school through your second year of college, it ended mutually and you realized you were both better as best friends. Wilhemina however, didn't know that.

You could feel her gaze pierce into you as you responded, "Oh my god shut up! That was so long ago. I hated that beat up van!" You joked. Even tipsy you knew you were in trouble now.

You could feel Wilhemina hold you tighter agaisnt her frame and you glanced over at her. She sent you a bitter smile and you bit the inside of your cheek. Fuck.

"Excuse me one minute y'all." You said, mostly to Wilhemina, as you pried her hands off of you and raced to the bathroom. Fuck alcohol for being such a diuretic.

Once you did your business and washed you hands, you swung the door open to find Wilhemina already waiting for you.

You were quite stumbly, but still didn't need a babysitter. "Oh Mina I'm fine!" You waved her away but she grabbed your hand away.

You pulled her through the crowd, back to your best friend who was still standing by the kitchen counter littered with cups of left behind liquor.

"Finally you're back!" Your best friend exclaimed as she pushed a cup towards you. "I made a special one." She winked at you and you just knew Wilhemina was sending her a glare.

Before drinking the mystery liquid, you leaned into Wilhemina's ear "Don't be so jealous baby." And placed a kiss on her neck before downing the drink in front of you.

Some mix of tequila and a seltzer like soda. You shook your head as the alcohol burned your throat and laughed along with your best friend as she shared another anecdote of your high school experience.


Wilhemina was getting bored, tired, and aggravated. She wanted to go home. It was nearly 2 am and you were drunk as hell now, pulling her all over the party, even making her dance with you.

You would definitely pay for that later.

When you started pulling her towards the kitchen again, she yanked you back into her arms. "It's time to go. You've had too much to drink." She whispered in your ear and you giggled, pushing her away.

"Oh let me have fun!" You rolled your eyes walking away from her. She quickly caught back up to you by the time, you made it to the kitchen. You had a cup in your hand and she glared at you. She mouthed "Don't." but you didn't listen, instead, staring right at her as you downed the cup in under 20 seconds.

Oh boy was she fuming.

You knew you had made a mistake when you saw her face. You forced a laugh. "Sorry?" You hiccuped and you could practically see the smoke blowing from her ears.

By now she was right next to you. "We're going home. Now." She stated and you nodded, knowing you really didn't need to be by alcohol anymore and that she would take care of you, no matter how upset she was at your behavior.

She guided you from the party back out to her car and buckled you in, kissing your temple with a sigh. When she got in the driver's side, your eyes were already closing.


The next morning you woke with a pounding headache. You kept your eyes closed as you felt around the bed for Wilhemina's sleeping frame, but frowned when you were met with cold sheets.

You slowly opened your eyes and groaned as the sunlight hit them. Fuck you were hungover. You looked at the side table and saw two little pills and a glass of water. She must've set those there last night.

You, as quickly as you could manage in your state, swallowed the pills and drank the water. Your head still pounding with every gulp. You really should've listened to her.

You contemplated falling back asleep, but you really had to pee and you were hungry, so you forced yourself to roll out of bed and get shit done.

You lived in a small apartment across town from Wilhemina's work, so you expected her to be at her office doing her secretary business. You were quite shocked to see her dressed in her causal wear, cooking breakfast in your tiny kitchen.

"Mina?" You called out her name as a question. She turned around with a smile. "You're up. Breakfast?" You nodded and made your way to the counter.

She set a plate of eggs and bacon in front of you with a glass of water and thanked her with a smile. "How are you feeling, little one?" Her face was softened as she sat across the counter from you, also enjoying her breakfast.

"Shitty." You confessed with a laugh and lightly smacked your hand in reprimand for your language. "Did you take the medicine I left for you?" She had a worried look on her  face but it soon disappeared when you shook your head yes.

"Just let it kick in. The food will help as well." You accepted her advice and the two of you continued to enjoy your respective breakfasts.

"Mina, why aren't you at work?" You questioned and she sighed softly. "I took today off." She paused before continuing in a quieter voice, "I wanted to be here with you." You blushed at her words.

"Aw Mina." Your nose scrunched as you smiled at her and she rolled her eyes at your playfulness. "Eat up, we have things to do today." You gladly obeyed and the two of you finished your breakfast over soft laughs and shared smiles.

a/n: i don't really like this one :/ sorry for mistakes <3

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