i love you // venable x reader

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a/n: i'm feeling sappy so here's some cute fluff and soft venable :)

Wilhemina enters your shared bedroom and notices your sleeping figure laying on the bed, snuggled into the comforter with her pillow in your arms. She mentally curses herself as she thinks about today, and how many times she shooed you're away as she worked. She completely ignored you today other than a blind kiss on the cheek and she hated herself for it.

Seeing you sleep so peacefully made her heart churn with love and she softly crept up to the bed, rubbing her fingers down your arm. Your eyes fluttered open slowly and you smiled as you saw your girlfriend hovering above you next to the bed. "Hi little one." She softly spoke, her hand running up to your cheek. "I'm sorry for giving so little attention today." She spoke from the heart, she truly meant her words. She didn't know how to forgive herself for treating you that way. She just hoped she could make up for it now.

"Can you scoot over a little so we can cuddle?" You smiled at her request and instantly complied, scooting over to make room for her as she slipped off her royal purple dress she had worn all day, leaving her in just her under slip. It was surprisingly silky and soft, just like her.

Most people thought that Wilhemina Venable was cruel and unloving, not a bone of empathy in her body. But you knew better. She cared for you like no one else ever had in your entire life and you thanked your lucky stars every day that you were hers, and she was yours.

She slid under the covers next to you and opened her arms, you gladly crashed into her and curled up against her frame, happy to finally be getting the attention you had craved all day. "Darling?" She spoke softly as she traced patterns on your arm and held you close. You look up at her, "Yes?"

"I love you." She stated, surprising herself at how easily the words slipped out. She barely ever said those three little words. It took over a year for her to say them the first time. It was few and far between that she uttered the words and every time it sent sparks down your spine. You smiled and kissed her cheek, "I love you too."

a/n: i know that was short but i hope you still enjoyed; sorry for mistakes

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