shh // foxxay

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AU/Cordelia and Misty are in college and just got back from a party into their shared dorm room. The wall are extra thin.

"Sh Mist, the walls are thin." Cordelia mumbled as she kissed her girlfriend Misty and fumbled with the hem of her shirt. "I don' care, let em' hear us Delia." Misty whined, flapping Cordelia's hand away and pulling her shirt off for her. "That's the alcohol talking, you'll be mortified in the morning, you know that." Cordelia took her own shirt off and kissed down Misty's neck earning deep moans from her girlfriend.

Cordelia covered Misty's mouth with her hand. "Be quiet." Misty whined into her hand and licked it, causing Cordelia to jerk her hand away and shoot her head up. "What the fuck?" Misty giggled. "You're too tipsy for this," Misty's eyes instantly widened, "No no no no, please Delia!" Cordelia rolled her eyes. "Are you going to be quiet?" Misty furiously nodded her head and pulled Cordelia back down into a kiss.

"Are you sure you can be quiet?" Cordelia pulled away from the kiss, her eyes narrowing at her "not tipsy" girlfriend. "Yes Delia, please just fuck me already," Misty said in exasperation and kissed Cordelia again.

Cordelia wasted no time and immediately kissed Misty back with just as much desperation, moaning loudly into the kiss. Cordelia pulled away and stared into Misty's eyes. "If you make a single sound, I'm stopping, am I understood Misty Day?" Misty nodded frantically trying to get Cordelia's hands back on her.


idk what this is tbh, it's been in my drafts for months now and i just want it out even tho it's extremely unfinished.

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