sit on my lap // foxxay

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pt. 1


Cordelia was quite frankly, a workaholic. And this such behavior had taken its toll on her relationship with her girlfriend, Misty Day. Everyday for the past three weeks, Cordelia would wake at six am, leaving Misty cold and alone in the queen sized bed they shared every night, and wouldn't return until the wee hours of the late night. Misty missed her girlfriend, and her girlfriend's touch. Of course, she could solve her own needy problems, but it just wasn't the same as having Cordelia's soft hands trail on her skin and make her world explode into fireworks of color.

Misty had had enough. She needed Cordelia, and she was going to do anything it took to have her girlfriend on top of her again, to melt into the magic of her touch. So, in her clad pajama shorts, tank top and Stevie's shawl wrapped around her shoulders, Misty tiptoed her way down the academy stairs in suit of Cordelia's office. The large white door was cracked open just enough for Misty to peek inside, seeing Cordelia typing away on her laptop, glasses perched on the end of her nose and hair up in a neat pony tail. She still wore her usual day attire (though it was well until the night at this point) of a fitted white blouse and black skirt that hugged all the right places. Misty's mouth nearly gaped at the sight of her girlfriend, she was truly starved of her touch.

Misty adjusted her shawl to fit snuggly around her shoulders, holding it in place in front of her chest with her left hand, and pushed the door open softly with her right, slipping into the room and shutting the door, silently locking it behind her. Cordelia looked up, startled from the sudden noise of her door being shut and smiled when her eyes rested onto Misty. She had missed seeing her beautiful face awake, as all she mostly saw these past few weeks was her face sleeping peacefully in the cool dark of their shared room.

"Misty," Cordelia cooed as she stood from her chair, holding her arms open in an invitation for Misty to collide in them. Misty wasted no time in crashing into the arms of the woman she loved, breathing in her scent and sighing contently. "How are you sweetheart?" Misty let go of the embrace and smiled at her girlfriend, "Missin' you," her accent rang strong through the quiet office.

Cordelia's eyes softened at the realization she'd neglected to give her girlfriend the attention she craved for the past few weeks. "I'm sorry Misty, i've been so caught up in my work I guess I just let the time fly by me... I promise I'll take a break and we can spend the weekend together." Cordelia held her hands in front of her, clasping then together with a squeeze as she smiled hopefully at Misty.

"That'd be lovely, Delia." Cordelia grinned at the response, "I'm almost done here for tonight, then i'll meet you upstairs for bed, okay my love?" Misty frowned at Cordelia's proposition. She thought maybe Cordelia would leave her work for tonight, and just come straight to bed with her now. She craved much more than a simple cuddle into dreamland. "Can't you come now?" Misty pleaded.

Cordelia sighed, not able to just abandon her work, she truly was almost done with something extremely important, she only needed a few more minutes. "C'mere, you can sit on my lap until i'm finished working, hmm?" Cordelia sank into her chair, patting her thighs and smiling as Misty's eyes widened. "R-really?" Misty nearly choked on her words. There was no way she could hold herself back from touching every inch of her girlfriend's body if she was that close to her so idly. "Come on then," Misty gulped at Cordelia's words that were disguised as a suggestion, but Misty knew were a demand.

Cordelia waited patiently as Misty stared at her, contemplating running away right then and there. "Misty?" Cordelia snapped her fingers and Misty gasped, "I, um, o-okay," Misty stammered on her words and padded over to her girlfriend, beginning to sit on her lap, facing the laptop screen when Cordelia grabbed her waist and stopped her. "Other way," Misty gulped and obliged, sinking onto her supreme's lap, straddling her and putting her face in the crook of her neck, instantly calmed by her scent and gave a sigh of relief.

Cordelia smiled and began typing again, content as could be as she felt Misty's soft breaths against her neck, making her heart race just a little. Misty's hands were wrapped around Cordelia's waist and she squeezed her girlfriend, earning a soft laugh. "You really did miss me, huh?" Cordelia said softly, the only other sounds were the keys on her laptop. Misty nodded in response, loosening her grip, allowing Cordelia to breathe.

Misty traced soft circles on the small of Cordelia's back and smiled as she shuddered softly in response, not saying a word. Misty continued doing this for awhile, happy just being in her girlfriend's company, ignoring the small twinge somewhere else in her body. "I'm almost done my love," Cordelia whispered and kissed the side of Misty's head. Misty laid a soft kiss to Cordelia's neck in response and Cordelia fought to keep her cool. She hadn't realized how much she missed her girlfriend's soft and gentle touch until now.

A few minutes later and Cordelia closed her laptop, Misty's head shooting up from Cordelia's shoulder at the sound. "Done?" Misty asked and Cordelia nodded, earning a very pleased smile from her girlfriend as Misty climbed off of her and held her hand out, wanting Cordelia to take it and lead her back to their room, finally.

"Someone's eager, huh?" Cordelia laughed and grabbed Misty's hand, the both of them headed to their shared space.


not edited, sorry for mistakes <3

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