seven minutes in heaven // lana winters x reader

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prompt: your friends force you into a game of seven minutes in heaven. you're upset, but Lana is a decent human being.

a/n: litchrally stole this prompt from a pov on fucking tiktok. i have no standards anymore, bye

You whimper softly under your breath as you're pushed into a dimly lit closet. Your friends had forced you into a game of "Seven Minutes in Heaven" and now here you were, stuck sitting on an old lawn chair in a musty closet.

The light flickered above you as your friends slammed the door, the click of the lock confirming all your anxiety.

You didn't look up at the random person selected to go inside with you until you felt a hand on your thigh. You were shocked when you found the hand was attached to a pretty young woman with short brown hair and a soft smile.

"I'm Lana." She smiled, her hand still pressed on your thigh, seemingly for support as the closet was tiny and the chairs were far too large to be stuffed in here with two averaged sized humans sitting inside them.

Your knees were bunched together and you were barely two feet apart. "I'm y/n." You gulped, not knowing what to do.

"You've never played this before, have you?" She asked, taking her hand away and her face crossed with sudden worry. You shook your head no.

"We don't have to do anything if you're not comfortable." She added and you breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you." You said softly. "I didn't want to do this." You confessed.

"Did they force you to?" She asked and you nodded.

"What assholes."

"You're telling me."

You both laughed with each other for the next few minutes before the door swung open, your drunk friend's faces looking expectantly at you.

Their faces turned to disappointment when they realized you weren't making out with Lana and they pulled you out harshly.

You pushed them away, saying you didn't want to be there anymore and you were leaving. They called after you with curses and insults, claiming you to be a loser and too-good.

You didn't want to cry, but the tears almost fell from your eyes as you practically ran from the house, slamming the front door behind you.

Truthfully, you rode here with a friend, and you didn't have a ride home. You sighed and decided that you were just going to walk. You made it halfway down the road when you felt a hand grab your arm.

You screamed as you turned around. "Woah! Woah! I'm sorry!" Lana was standing beside you. "I tried to catch up sooner but you kinda bailed real fast."

You wiped the tears from your eyes. Why was she being so kind to you? Didn't she hear how your friends called you lame? Who want to talk to you after that?

"Hey, hey, shh. Don't listen to those jerks. Those aren't real friends." She put one hand on your shoulder and the other held your cheek, brushing away more tears.

"I can drive you home. I haven't drank any tonight and I rode here alone in my own car." She pointed to an old red convertible and you smiled, nodding at her generosity and kindness. "Thank you."

a/n: here's some weird filler thing while i work on some venable stuff <3

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