oh to be a bug in foxxay's kitchen

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Misty had been in the greenhouse all morning, and had just opened the front door when she heard a shriek come from the kitchen.

Instantly dropping the watering can in hand, she booked it to the sound. When she arrived in the kitchen, Cordelia was atop the counter, knees pulled into her chest.

"Delia? You alright?" Misty asked and Cordelia looked as if she'd been caught stealing a cookie.

"Y-yeah.. i'm good."

"Uh.. Why're you on the counter then?" Misty crossed her arms, laughing slightly.

There was a pause of silence before Cordelia spoke again. "I'm the supreme... and this is my house so I can do as I please." Her demeanor said otherwise though.

"There's a bug ain't there?" Misty chuckled and Cordelia nodded.

"Get it please?"

"Where's it at?"

"Under the table now. Fast little shit." Cordelia cursed the last bit under her breath, letting her head rest on her knees.

Misty bent down, scooping up the little bug in her bare hands and walked out of sight. A few moments later, Misty returned with her watering can in hand and no bug in sight.

"It's outside now. You can get off the counter." Misty chuckled again, setting the watering can down.

Cordelia slid off the counter, fixing her skirt as she landed on her feet. "Thank you Misty."

"Anything for my supreme."


just a little blip since i haven't written anything in over a month. sorry guys :/

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