sweater weather // foxxay

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Hesitantly, Misty made her way over her girlfriend, walking softly on the pads of her feet, almost silent. Cordelia had been working extremely hard the past few days and hadn't given Misty nearly any attention, and Misty was getting lonely. She didn't dare complain though, she new Cordelia wasn't doing it on purpose.

"D-delia?" Misty's voice came out in a small crack, shifting her weight from foot to foot; anxious to be bothering her girlfriend who was working so hard for the academy.

Cordelia glanced up, her face softening when she saw Misty staring at the floor, seemingly scared to look her way. "Misty, darling, what's wrong?" Her soft voice was music to Misty's ears and she padded her way closer to her other half.

Cordelia rested a finger under Misty's chin and lifted her eyes to be level with her own. "Words Misty." Misty tried her best to hold the gaze and her words came out in an even worse stutter than before, "M-may I borrow y-your sweater?" She stopped to take a deep breath, "It smells like y-you." She nearly whispered the last sentence as her eyes went straight to the floor.

"Oh Misty," Cordelia frowned, realizing how much she had neglected her girlfriend the past few days. "Of course you can, but how about we watch a movie together huh? I could use a break I think." Misty beamed at the suggestion, nodding her head eagerly making Cordelia smile.

Cordelia closed her laptop, picking it up and grabbing Misty's hand, both of them making their way up the main staircase and back into their shared room. Misty eagerly hopped onto the bed with a small smile tugging at her lips and watched as Cordelia changed into her pajamas and slid in bed right beside her, opening up her laptop and logging into Netflix.

The soft glow of the laptop screen onto Cordelia's face was heavenly and Misty couldn't help but stare. "Stare any longer and you might not be able to look away," Cordelia said, not looking up from the laptop screen. Misty immediately adverted her gaze from Cordelia's soft features to the laptop screen, hesitantly snuggling closer to her girlfriend.

Cordelia snakes a hand around Misty's waist and pulled her closer, clicking on the movie "Carol- 2015" making Misty smile. "My favorite." Cordelia hugged her closer in response. "Shh, cuddle time." Cordelia whispered and Misty threw her arms around Cordelia's waist, snuggling as close to the woman as she could, laying her head on her chest. Cordelia smiled at Misty's actions and tugged the bottom of Misty's shirt up, drawing small circles on the small of her back. They both seemed to melt into the contact of one another and with sighs of relief, the movie played on and they fell asleep just like that.


could've had WAY more detail and not be as dumb but i still hope it's enjoyable. just a small little one shot to cure our hearts after Sarah's fuck foxxay lives tweets from last night (i still can't believe she really said "Had to be honest 🤷🏼‍♀️" straight to my face like that) anyways,,,, sorry for mistakes! bye ✌🏻

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