Tylenol // foxxay

597 20 1

continuation of "bandages"


The next morning Misty woke up on the floor of her neighbor's apartment, Miss Cordelia. Groaning, she sat up, putting an arm on the couch for leverage before standing up to find the bathroom, not that she really had to find it, she'd been in Cordelia's apartment enough times to know, but she was very hungover.

Misty stared at herself in the mirror, cursing herself for last night's activities and preparing her multiple apologizes she would be spilling into Cordelia's ears once she woke up. "Oh ya big dummy," she poked her reflection in the mirror before grasping her forehead in pain. "No talkin' maybe is a betta idea," she cursed herself as she went back to inspecting her reflection, looking at the carefully placed bandages on her face and body that she knew Cordelia must've done last night.

Truth be told, Misty didn't remember much. Just punching someone, then knocking on Cordelia's door. Everything else was a blank slate. This kind of scared her, she could've said something she regretted, but she hoped she didn't. The last she wanted to do was ruin her friendship with Cordelia.

"Misty?" Speaking of, Cordelia's voice rung softly through the small hallway and drifted into the bathroom, making Misty smile in response. "Mornin' Delia..." Misty had a hand behind her neck anxiously as she padded from the bathroom and into the hallway, meeting Cordelia face to face. "M' so so sorry about last night," Misty started, staring at the ground.

"Don't be. You would've done the same for me Misty Day." Cordelia put a soft hand on Misty's shoulder before moving past her, into the bathroom. A few moments later she returned with a closed fist, dropping two pills into Misty's hand. "Take those, Tylenol, it'll help with the headache. Drink some water too, please." Cordelia smiled softly and Misty nodded in response.

"You really are the kindest soul Miss Cordelia," Misty nearly whispered and Cordelia beamed in response, "A friend helps a friend, Misty, but thank you." Cordelia went back into her bedroom and left Misty in the hallway so Misty ventured into Cordelia's small kitchen for a glass of water to take her pills with.

She knew which cabinet held the glasses so she easily acquired one and filled it with tap water before taking the Tylenol Cordelia had given her in one gulp. She downed the rest of the glass and set it in the sink along side the few dirty dishes she assumed Cordelia had left last night because of her.

Usually, Cordelia was exceptionally neat, but Misty assumes that she had gotten preoccupied by her drunken mess to clean a few dishes, so she left them. Pacing back and forth in the kitchen, Misty decided to wash the few dishes instead of just adding her own. She had to repay Cordelia in some way, and this was a start, she thought.

She nearly jumped out of her skin when a hand met her shoulder a few minutes later, "You don't have to do that, Misty." Cordelia laugher softly in her ear. "God Delia I coulda jumped right out my own skin," Misty breathed hard, finishing the last dish before turning the water off and drying her hands on a fish towel, neatly folding it back up the way she'd seen Cordelia do it the last time she was over.

"Thank you, you're such a considerate guest." Cordelia smiled as she opened the fridge, "Would you like some breakfast? I'm going to make myself some eggs, I could make you some." Cordelia offered and Misty simply nodded, she truly was starving.

"Sit on that stool there by the counter, i'll get the eggs out." Cordelia opened the fridge as Misty sat at the counter. Misty watched Cordelia swiftly move around the kitchen as she made their eggs. "Scrambled?" Cordelia asked and Misty nodded. Cordelia had made her breakfast many times before, as their midnight antics often led to being passed out on Cordelia's couch.

Misty was lost in her own thoughts when a plate of hot eggs was placed gently in front of her, she shook her head to clear her thoughts and thanked Cordelia softly before beginning to eat.

"How are you feeling?" Cordelia asked after taking a bite of her own eggs, sunny side up as she always liked. "M' okay," Misty continued eating, avoiding the worried glances she knew Cordelia was sending her way. The next thing she knew, a cold palm was pressed against her cheek and then her forehead and she looked up, meeting Cordelia's eyes. "Sorry, you looked feverish." Cordelia was now the one avoiding Misty's gaze but Misty just smiled at her caring friend. "No apologizes necessary Delia. M' promise m' doin' jus' fine," Misty smiled catching Cordelia's eyes finally.

"Misty?" Cordelia blurted our after silence fell between them. "Yeah Delia?" Misty looked up at her friend curiously. "Would you be upset if I kissed you?" Cordelia nearly covered her own mouth as she let the words tumble out. Misty stared at Cordelia in shock before shaking her head, "No... I wouldn'"

Cordelia breathed a sigh of relief as she stood up, placing her dish in the sink and rising away the germs. As she turned around, a pair of lips were on her own, and Misty's arms wove around her shoulders as they both sank into the kiss. "Would you be upset if I kissed you?" Misty asked as she pulled away and Cordelia just laughed and shook her head.


idk, i've been trying to finish this forever so the end is rushed. hopefully this is somewhat decent? again, not edited but do u really expect less from me at this point, i hope you enjoyed nonetheless :,)

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