hand in marriage // foxxay

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dedicated to Nikola for the idea :)


Cordelia sat in her car taking deep breaths as she tried to stop her hands from shaking. She was parked in front of Stevie Nick's house, psyching herself up to finally get out of her car and knock on the door. It wasn't like Cordelia didn't know Stevie, in fact, they were really good friends at this point, her and the white witch, and Cordelia was the Supreme! If anything, Stevie would be the one nervous around Cordelia! But Cordelia was nearly soaked with sweat and shaking like vending machine as she stared at the brick colored cottage.

Stevie lived out in a small patch of woods, the same place Misty stayed during the apocalypse when Cordelia sent her away with Stevie. It was a lovely little home and Cordelia could only wish for a small calm life like Stevie had. She wouldn't trade her honor as the Supreme for anything though, she knew how important her role was for the coven, and the world.

Cordelia was here to see Stevie for a very specific and special reason. Stevie was Misty's aunt, and happened to be her only relative alive, or known of, at the time being, So Cordelia decided that Stevie would be the person she asked for Misty's hand in marriage. Did she have to do this? Absolutely not. But Cordelia felt like she needed to, so here she was, shaking in her little black corvette and working up the nerve to walk up to that door and knock three times, as Stevie always instructed her to do.

Cordelia was madly in love with Misty, and wanted nothing more than to request her to be her wife, but she felt it important to get Stevie's blessing, even if she didn't actually need it. She knew Misty would appreciate the gesture, if anything. "Come on Cordelia, it's just Stevie. She loves you, and you love Misty! Do this for Misty." Cordelia ran her fingers through her hair and opened the car door, letting out a sigh as she shut it.

She smoothed her skirt and made sure the buttons on her top where done correctly and that she looked presentable in her side mirror before she took a deep breath and walked up the stone path leading directly to Stevie's front door. Cordelia lifted her hand in a fist and knocked, one, two, three, and waited, silently hoping that Stevie wasn't home and she could just come back another time.

But the door opened, "Cordelia! What a lovely surprise. Come in, come in." Stevie stepped aside and let Cordelia in, shutting the door behind her. "What brings you by?" Stevie caught up to Cordelia who had made her way into the cozy living room and was standing by the fire. "I had... a question to ask you." Cordelia turned towards Stevie, her hands clasped in front of her nervously.

"Oh, do ask!" Stevie was intrigued, she had never seen her fellow witch so obviously anxious before. Cordelia was usually one to keep her emotions hidden, almost to a fault. Cordelia rang her hands in front of her and sighed, "Stevie," she stepped in front of the white witch and grabbed her hands in her own, "I want to ask you for Misty's hand," Cordelia looked away for a moment, "in marriage."

Stevie gasped and immediately smiled the largest smile Cordelia had ever seen and pulled her into a tight hug. She kept Cordelia there for a moment before letting go, a tear falling from her eye that she wiped away before taking a deep breath, "Of course you have my blessing, Cordelia. I've been waiting for this day for years." Cordelia let out a breath she had been holding and pulled Stevie in for another hug, she herself now crying. She knew she had been worried and anxious for nothing, but hearing those words come from Stevie, was all she ever wanted in this moment.

Now Cordelia had to face the biggest challenge, actually asking Misty to marry her.


not edited; short and sweet :)

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