yours, mine, ours (Pt. 3)

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A knock at your door woke you up the next morning. You had spent the night talking to Billie on the phone and hadn't gotten to sleep until nearly 3 am.

You groaned as you rubbed your eyes, "Y/n?" You hear Cordelia's soft voice through the door. You quickly curled back up into the covers, not wanting to speak to her.

You heard the door slowly creak open and the soft click of the latch as she closed it back, the quiet creaks of the floorboard getting louder as she neared you.

Picturing the worst, you tried to stay calm, look as peaceful and in as deep a sleep as possible when you felt her soft hands brush your hair from your face, and her soft lips kiss your temple.

She ran her hands through your hair, "Y/n? Wake up honey." you shifted slightly, pretending to have just woken up. You took your time as your rubbed your eyes and sat up, watching as she took a few steps back and kept her distance.

You looked up at her for the first time and noticed the bags under her eyes were more prominent. Her face was bare and her hair still a little tousled from her sleep. "What time is it?" Your voice was scratchy as you spoke.

She cleared her throat, "Nearly 8. The rest of the girls are still asleep. I thought we'd take advantage of the morning and do something out in the greenhouse?" She sounded hopefully, her voice soft and a higher pitch than usual.

You weren't sure if she was pulling your leg, or if she really did have remorse for the way she had treated you lately.

You were taken aback by the suggestion, if you weren't honest. Cordelia hadn't spoken more than a sentence to you in the past few weeks until last night, let alone suggesting you actually do something together.

She chewed her bottom lip, shifting the weight of her feet as she awaited your answer. Your voice laced in confusion, you agreed. "Uh, sure."

She grinned a little too big at your response and your face showed obvious confusion. You weren't one to hide your facial expressions easily. However, she simply ignored it.

"I'll be in the kitchen, making coffee. Meet me when you're ready, please." She didn't wait for your response this time, simple turned around and hurriedly exited your room. The soft click of the lock left you sat in your bed, tired and confused. You didn't even like coffee.


You made your way down the stairs after fixing yourself up. You had thrown on a dress and cardigan, remembering the times that Cordelia would tease you and say you dressed like a teacher or librarian. Maybe things really would be okay between the two of you?

You stopped in the bathroom downstairs, quickly combing your fingers through your hair and making sure you looked presentable before heading towards the kitchen, hearing the quiet clink of Cordelia's spoon as it stirred her coffee.

As you rounded the corner she met your face with a smile, "Y/n! I made you tea." She smiled, her face blushed pink as she held a cup out towards you.

You couldn't hide the fact that you were surprised. I mean, she had said that she was going to make coffee, and since when did she put in so much effort towards you? You smiled back and grabbed the cup, taking a sip. Your favorite tea, green matcha. "It's delicious." You said before taking another larger sip.

"Are you hungry?" Cordelia asked, shifting the weight between her feet as she had done earlier in your room. "I don't usually eat when I first wake up. I'm fine with just this tea, thank you though." You continued sipping from the glass.

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