flower power // ally mayfair-richards

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Ally Mayfair-Richards was a very impressive senator. Not because of how she ruled or what she did in law, but how she treated her citizens and the town she resided in.

Ally was always around, and her favorite thing to do was hopping around into different shops and stores and working there for a week or so to get business booming then move on to the next.

She loved exploring professions and boosting sales for small businesses was just another bonus to add to the list!

This week she was working in a small flower shop on main street. It was almost hidden in a small space between two larger businesses and Ally had never noticed it before.

It was actually Oz who pointed it out. They were going for a stroll downtown and Oz spotted the pretty flower sign, bringing it to Ally's attention.

They both went inside, bought some flowers and before she even left the store, Ally knew this was the next place she'd position at.

She went back the next day when Oz was off at school, and talked to the owner. The owner of course already knew of Ally's business hopping and was very excited to have her in the store. She started working that very same day.

It had been a few days of working there when someone peculiar happened.

Usually shoppers would stroll in and buy beautiful bouquets for their lovers or mothers or sisters or even their friends, but this was a very different encounter.

Ally was behind the counter, reading a book the owner of the shop had recommended when she heard the bells above the door chime much louder than usual.

She shot up at the sound of the sudden loud noise and the book tumbled to the ground. Ally quickly bent down and picked it up, standing up only to meet the eyes of a very angry looking young woman.

The woman slapped a twenty dollar bill onto the counter and said in a very serious tone, "How do I passive-aggressively say 'fuck you' to someone in flower?"

Ally couldn't help but let out a laugh as she processed the situation as she looked at the woman in confusion.

"Excuse me?" Ally said softly, a amused smile playing her lips.

"I need to know how to tell someone a bit fat fuck you in flower." The woman responded, still as serious as ever.

Ally simply nodded. "Uh... well." She started, tapping her chin. "May I ask... why?"

The woman sighed dramatically. "Does it matter?"

"Well... um, I guess not." Ally shook her head. She wasn't really sure how to answer the initial question.

She had only been taught what a few flowers meant.. and all of them were something nice like, love, or friendship.

"I'll have to go ask. I'm not really sure of the correct flower to match.. uh.. the words you said." Ally said, turning back to the woman.

"You work at a flower shop and you don't know what any flowers mean?" The woman retorted, crossing her arms.

"Give me a break, I've only been here for a few days!" Ally laughed, keeping her cheery disposition.

"I cant believe I picked the one flower shop that had no idea what they were doing." The woman muttered under her breath.

Ally quirked an eyebrow but said nothing, instead she turned and began walking away to the back of the store to ask the owner. "I'll be back."

She didn't bother looking back, she knew she'd be met by a look of disapproval from the hostile woman.

Someone clearly must've royally fucked up if she were that angry at a flower shop.

Ally swung open the door to the break room, the owner of the shop jumping in surprise. "We have a predicament."

"Predicament?" The lovely older lady said.

"There's a woman out there, pretty hostile if you ask me, needing flowers to "passive aggressively" say "fuck you". What am I supposed to do?" Ally said exasperated.

The old lady simply giggled in joy as she sprung up from her chair and to the counter opposite them, beginning to flip through some binders.

She tore a few pages out and handed them to Ally. "These flowers, put em in a nice bouquet and they'll be set."

Ally quirked a brow but thanked her and went back to the front of the shop, passing by the woman who was now leaned against the counter, scrolling through her phone.

"Aye!" she called after Ally.

"One moment!" Ally called back, gathering all the flowers that were on the pages given to her. Soon she had a nice bouquet and was making her way back behind the front counter, tying the flowers together with ribbon.

The woman watched her intently, a look of confusion obviously ridden her face. Ally then held out the flowers to her and she took them, begrudgingly.

"That's it? That's all I need?" She asked, not hostile tone, no attitude, just a question.

"Yep." Ally rocked back and forth on her heels, hands clasped in front of her.

"Okay." The woman said before walking out of the store. A few moments later she popped her head back into the shop "Thanks." and she was gone.


yeah i have no idea what this is 💀 kinda have writers block so i'm sorry this is so shit! hopefully i'll have better stuff out soon.

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