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sally x cordelia

The words "Hotel Cortez" lit the city corner from its place on the giant sign attached to the tall and dark building. Cordelia knew the kind of place she was stepping into, but at this point, she didn't care anymore. She was the supreme after all, what does it matter that her powers were no match for the mysterious powers of the Hotel Cortez... all Cordelia was seeking was a simple bushy-haired blonde in a leopard coat she'd sworn had been following her through her attempts to rescue Queenie. Cordelia wasn't even sure the mystery entity she remembers was even real, but here she was outside of the Hotel Cortez about to find out.

As she entered the building her nostrils were filled with a million different smells it felt like, alcohol, cigarettes, the faint smell of blood... maybe a rotting body or two. Cordelia ignored the pungent smells invading her face and walked up to the front desk, meeting a woman with the name tag "Iris". "Cordelia... what are you doing back here?" Iris scoffed, reminded of the many times she saw the blonde running in and out trying to rescue Queenie. "I'm looking for someone." Cordelia responded, "Not that witch again no?" Iris questioned, "No, no. Queenie is safe with the coven now... I'm looking for, well, I don't know her name, I barely saw her face." Cordelia concluded, realizing how stupid she sounded. "Well... you haven't given me much to work with. Go sit at the bar, everyone shows up there eventually." Iris nonchalantly said with the roll of her eyes, point in the direction of a lit bar.

Cordelia thanked Iris and made her way over to the bar. She looked around for a moment, not seeing the mysterious lady anywhere and sighed. "Cordelia... what on earth are you doing here again..." Liz greeted the witch as she sat on a bar stool. Cordelia was used to people she had never met knowing who she was, she was the supreme after all, so it didn't phase her. It did phase her how judgmental she sounded, though. "I'm looking for someone... Liz." Cordelia read her name tag stuck on her chest. "I don't know her name. Or really her face." Cordelia concluded again. "What do you know, then?" Liz asked, pouring Cordelia a glass of Tequila. "Oh no thank you... I don't drink." Cordelia pushed the glass away and Liz shrugged. "She wore a leopard coat." Liz coughed, "Sally? Oh my, you don't want to get caught up with her." Liz laughed, pushing the tequila into Cordelia's hands. "Tell me what's got you so worked up you came in here looking for that crazy ghost?"

"Where can I find this Sally?" Cordelia ignored Liz's try to pry her mind open. Liz rolled her eyes and sighed, "Room 64. But truly, you don't want to get caught up with her. Would you please tell me why? Drink a little? Take a moment before you go sauntering after a junky ghost?" Cordelia's eyes widened at the description of her mysterious admirer, but carried on with another sigh. "Alright," she took a gulp of the tequila, her face turning sour for a moment. "Not that it's any of your business, but i've had sone trouble with my heart lately... emotions wise." Cordelia looked at the floor as she explained, "I was "caught up" as you say, with a witch at the academy and it has gone south, recently." a tear fell from her eye and she swiped it away quickly, taking another large gulp of her drink.

Liz looked on, sympathetically. "So you came here... in search of someone whom you didn't even know their name... to rid your mind of girl troubles? I never assumed you the type Miss Supreme..." Cordelia scoffed. "Never assume anything about me... Room 64, you said?" Cordelia got up from her stool, setting her now empty glass on the counter. Liz sighed "That would be the one. Here, take this if you're really going on this journey," and handed Cordelia a bottle of Jack. Cordelia chuckled, and thanked Liz before heading towards the elevator.


i know this wasnt a requested one shot but its one of the first i got finished so far and i have a thing for crack ships so i hope you still enjoyed it :)

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