alone time // Cordelia Goode x reader

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"Hey Cordelia?" your voice swept through the clean office of Cordelia Goode. Your girlfriend, headmistress, and supreme.

"Come in, sweetheart!" Her voice was light and airy and her eyes lit up as soon as she saw you. You quickly closed the door and nearly skipped across the room to her.

"Hi." You smiled softly as she practically stared at you with heart eyes. "Hi angel." she smiled back and opened her arms, beckoning you go climb into them.

You didn't hesitate to run around her desk and dive into her lap, burying your head into her neck and sighing contently as she rubbed your back.

"I've missed you, sweet girl." She said as she kissed the top of your head. "I've been so busy... I'm sorry." She practically whispered the last two words, almost as though she were ashamed.

You instantly sat up in her arms with a worried look on your voice. "Don't be sorry!" You said sternly, trying to form an authoritative facial expression but you knew it was no use.

Cordelia burst into laughter and you forced yourself to act angry, but you both knew that was a rouse. "I know I don't need to be sorry sweet pea." She rustled your hair. "But I'm still going to say it. Because I love and adore you and you deserve nothing but the best." She kissed you softly at that and you smiled into it, kissing her back and wrapping your arms around her neck.

The pair of you stayed that way for... god knows how long until a knock at her door startled the two of you out of your pure make-out session. "I love you too, by the way." You said as you jumped from her lap and scurried to the door, opening it to see Zoe, Madison and Queenie.

"Uh, Delia?" You said confused, turning around only to jump in surprise to see Cordelia already standing behind you.

"Girls?" Cordelia questioned and all three began speaking at once.

"Well you see the thing is-" Madison said.

"No see what actually happened was-" Queenie spoke atop her.

"No both of you! Cordelia listen I-" Zoe interrupted the pair.

"Quiet!" Cordelia demanded and all three girls instantly fell into silence. You nearly shivered at how much control Cordelia had over the masses. Well, three, but to be fair, they were a hard triplet to tame.

"Zoe, for the love of god, what is going on?" Cordelia said exasperated. All she really wanted to do right now was get right back to what the two of you were doing before you were rudely interrupted by nonsense.

Zoe began speaking and explaining the situation and you zoned out, thinking about Cordelia again. Soon thought, Cordelia was tapping your shoulder and explaining she'd be back soon before she quickly left her office with the triplet group and left you all alone. You sighed.

So much for alone time.

tbh, idk what this is lmao. just kinda made it up on the spot as one of my "i'm gonna write a book in my head before bed" and just couldn't not write it down. ya know? anyway, i hope u enjoyed <3
as always, sorry for mistakes!

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