Stevie Goode-Day // foxxay

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Misty sat on the floor playing with her and Cordelia's only child, Stevie. (Misty had begged Cordelia for the name, not that she had to; Cordelia would do anything to make Misty happy.) Stevie was only three years old, but her imagination was through the roof. Cordelia would tell you this was normal, all children have exceptional imaginations, but Misty was one to exaggerate.

She loved bragging on all the small things that Stevie did, whether it was building a block tower that was "The most creative thin' I done ever seen Delia! Jus' look at it!" or spelling a word on the fridge with magnets Cordelia had bought earlier that week at the market when she took Stevie for a mommy/daughter day, just the two of them.

So here the family sat, Misty and Stevie on the floor building skyscrapers and pyramids and the three little pig's houses, while Cordelia sat curled up on the couch, her glasses on the bridge of her nose and a book in hand, per usual.

Misty and Stevie's giggles filled the room and Cordelia smiled, looking up from her book momentarily to see Misty tickling the child and them both rolling around on the floor like "animals" as Cordelia would say. "Stop it mama!" Stevie yelled through giggles and Cordelia smirked at the situation, Misty was ruthless when it came to tickling, she would know, as they spent many nights when their romance first bloomed staying up during sleepovers and having pillow fights and tickle fights like children.

"I have no mercy for little ones who knock down their mama's towers!" Misty scooped Stevie up in her arms and tossed her in the air, a scream coming from the toddler's mouth and misty nearly knocked the air from her own lungs as she caught her again. She was getting a bit big for these kind of things, but that wouldn't stop her. Misty wanted to enjoy every little second she had with her daughter.

When Cordelia told Misty she was pregnant, a little over four years ago now, Misty was ecstatic. They had been trying for months now, and this was their fourth time doing an artificial insemination. The first three times they tried, it ended a horrible tear filled mess. They had lost hope. But a few weeks later, Cordelia went to Misty and told her she wanted to try again, just one more time. A tiny sliver of hope was still in her heart and she felt that this time, it would be perfect. And it was.

A few weeks after that conversation, Cordelia came home with a pregnancy test. Misty was out in the garden, and Cordelia took this as her opportunity. She just knew it in her heart that this was it. She peed on the little stick and sat paced around the bathroom, the stick sitting calmly on the counter for the two minutes allotted in the directions.

After the two minutes where up, Cordelia grabbed the stick and closed her eyes, holding it up in front of her. She slowly opened her eyes and she screamed. She screamed so loudly, Misty heard it from the garden and ran into the house, meeting a sobbing Cordelia in the bathroom. "Delia?! Are you okay?!" Misty was worried sick, pulling Cordelia into a giant hug, completely oblivious to the tiny stick encased in Cordelia's palm. Cordelia pulled away and smiled through her tears. "What is it Delia?"

"We're pregnant." Cordelia held the stick out in front of Misty's face. This time, Misty was the one who screamed. She pulled Cordelia into another bone crushing hug and she too sobbed. They cried together, embraced in their little bathroom in their shared apartment.

Misty couldn't be happier now, scrambling across the floor and chasing after Stevie. The kid may be only three, but god was she fast. Misty was out of breath at this point, and Cordelia chuckled at the scene in front of her. She would never get enough of seeing her two most favorite people in the entire world just living in front of her. Stevie was their rainbow baby, and Cordelia looked at her like she was the pot of gold at the end. Cordelia loved her girls more than anything in the world, and would do anything to stay in this moment forever.


not edited, per usual, but enjoy this little sap fest <3

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