yours, mine, ours (Pt. 1)

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billie x reader x cordelia

Prompt: On one side you have Cordelia, your supreme that continues sending mixed signals about her affections for you, on the other side you have Billie, the famous medium you just met that seems awfully interested in keeping you company.


You frowned as you exited Cordelia's office after yet again getting shooed away by the supreme herself. She was your girlfriend for god's sake!

Why was she acting this way? She had been blowing you off and acting cold and harsh for weeks now. You began to wonder what you did wrong.

As you slowly descended the stairs you decided you needed to cheer yourself up. You didn't need Cordelia.

Sprinting back up the stairs and into your room, you grabbed your purse, keys, phone, and wallet before sprinting back down the stairs and out of the academy to your car.

As the engine started, you paused and went to text Cordelia that you would be going out and would be back later, but ultimately stoped yourself.

She didn't seem to care what you were doing anyway, why should you let her know where you're going when you knew she won't even respond with anything besides a dry "K"?

So pulled out of the driveway and headed to your favorite coffee shop, where you ironically always order tea.

The bell rang above the door as you entered the shop, your favorite barista seeing you and waving you over with a smile.

It was a small shop, no more than 5 people were ever there at one time, so there was no line to wait in. "Y/N! Nice to see you again, haven't seen you in awhile and thought maybe we'd lost our favorite customer." the barista smiled and you laughed softly.

"No worries, just been busy. The usual please?" you hand him your card "Of course, 5 minutes top," you smile as he hands you back your card and you twirl around to go to your usual table right by the window.

As you reached your table you stoped dead in your tracks, there in your seat sat Billie Dean Howard, the famous medium.

You had no idea she was even in New Orleans! "A little star-struck there sweetheart?" Her honey coated voice rang in your ears, pulling you from your trance.

"I- uh, my tab- I usually sit here, I just, wow you're amazing." You ramble as she chuckles at your awkwardness and gestures you to sit.

"My apologizes for stealing your spot, I see you're a favorite around here, huh?" You expect her to get up and leave but she stays as you clumsily take a seat in front of her.

"I um, you can say that, yeah" You say, not wanting to sound conceited. "Your Chai tea," the barista sets your steaming tea down in front of you.

"She is most definitely a favorite in these parts," he winks at Billie and walks away, leaving your cheeks tinted a bright shade of pink. "You're certainly modest," she takes a sip of her drink.

"You have fine taste." she says pointing to your tea and then to her own. "Personally I enjoy a little bit of whipped cream on my Chai." she winks at you and your cheeks burn even brighter. You clear your throat, speechless and not knowing what to say.

"Cat got your tongue?" she smirks, "Call me when you find it." she hands you a slip of paper as she gets up, giving your hand a soft squeeze and you hear the bells chime above the door as she leaves.

You gawk at the paper in front of you. She had written her phone number down, and gave it to you.

You had Billie Dean Howard's number.

You couldn't stop yourself from squealing as you entered the digits into your phone and saved her as a contact, planning to call her later that night.

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