take this somewhere (pt 2)

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venable x reader

a/n: you all requested soft venable for part 2 so i hope you enjoy :) + um so sorry that it's been like... nearly a year JDKAKSJ i stg i meant to update this sooner... either way, enjoy <3

It was later in the evening now. You weren't quite sure, as there weren't any clocks. But you heard Ms. Venable call curfew around an hour ago, so you concluded that it must be around 9 at least.

You were incredibly eager to get back to her room and were nearly skipping happily around the outpost today. The other purple's where confused at your disposition. Usually you were quite shy.. but today you were rather outgoing.

You walked around more than usual and struck up conversation with people you'd never even spoken to before. You even got a little too confident and spoke to a grey.

"You know..." You walked up to a grey in the hallway, peering into their laundry basket. They jumped back, their eyes telling you to shut up and leave. You didn't listen to their silent pleas however.

There was no one else in the hallway besides the two of them. "What's your name?" You asked walking beside them as they tried to speed up and get away from you. You quickly matched their pace.

"Please, i'm not supposed to talk to you." She whispered and you rolled your eyes. "You guys never get to talk to anyone! I just want to know your name!" You said with pleading eyes. "Maria."

"Maria! Nice to meet you Maria." You smiled and she gave a small smile back. You weren't sure where she was headed, you had no idea where a laundry room was in this place but you knew you were going to a place you weren't supposed to.

You knew especially you were in a place you weren't supposed to be as you stroked up more conversation with Maria and a familiar voice filled the room.

"Miss Y/N. What on earth are you doing in here? Maria, get the fuck back to work, immediately." You froze and apologized to Maria, sprinting from the room and past Ms Venable.

Unluckily for you, she grabbed your arm as you tried to sprint by her. You sighed. She didn't let go of your arm as she closed the door to the laundry room and turned to you. "Seriously Y/N?" She asked you and you looked at her with apologetic eyes.

"All they do is work all day... it's not fair." You frowned and for a second, her face softened. "You're too naive for your own good." She said. "Get back to the commons, now. Go." She said and let you go.

She quickly sprinted away, getting back to the commons in record time. You hoped Wilhemina would be forgiving tonight.

You thought back on the event for a moment before snapping yourself out of your thoughts and peering out of your door and into the hallway.

The coast seemed to be clear. She told you to come around this time, so you made your move. You closed the door to your room as quietly as possible before making your way back to her room.

You had taken your shoes off so you didn't make too much noise but kept a look out anyway, checking behind you and to the sides of you incase anyone were to pop up. Even a grey seeing you could be bad news.

You made it to her room in record time and tapped on the door like she told you to do and waited, heart pounding.

The door opened just a crack and you saw the shadow of her face before she grabbed your arm and pulled you inside.

You gasped at the sudden movement tried to keep your balance as you watched her shut and lock the door.

She turned back to you with a genuine smile. Her hair was down. You'd never seen her hair like that.. you were enthralled by her. She was wearing casual wear. It was a magical treat of a sight.

"I'm sure a picture would last longer?" She quirked a brow at you and you panicked for a moment before she shook her head, showing she meant no harm.

"Thank you for coming Y/N... I wasn't sure if you would." She stated as she walked past you to her bed.

"Of course I would Wilhemina." You said and she motioned for you to join beside her in her bed. Your eyes widened for a moment but you stepped up to the bed.

You hesitated for a second and she noticed. "You wouldn't be here if I didn't want you to be, Y/N. Please join me." She looked at you with soft eyes so you climbed in beside her.

She tugged you closer to her, wrapping an arm around you and snuggling close.

You were pretty sure this was what heaven was like.

"I am so glad you are here Y/N." She nearly whispered into your hair, planting a soft kiss to the top of your head.

Your head was rested on her chest and you had never felt more comforted in your entire life.

"Thank you for letting me."

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