open book // cordelia x reader

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prompt: cordelia takes care of reader who is struggling with their mental health

a/n: i'm struggling a bit today mentally so I thought i'd do some mental health prompts i saw on tumblr somewhere awhile back. here's one of them : )

"Y/n, sweetheart?" Cordelia called into your room. Your door was shut and you had been cooped up inside for the past week, refusing to come down for the coven wide dinners Cordelia made as part of a daily routine.

She had been sending dinner trays up to your room courtesy of Delphine, who always came back hours later with the tray still full, shrugging her shoulders when she asked her why you hadn't eaten.

So Cordelia thought that she would be the one to bring your dinner this time. Maybe get you to open up, tell her what's going on. "Open." She heard your quiet voice from inside so she opened your door, balancing the tray in one hand as she shut it back. She walked over to the side of your bed you were laid on and you stayed buried under your covers.

"Can you sit up for me please?" She frowned before patting the covers, hitting your legs softly. You sighed and sat up slowly, trying to comb through your unruly hair with your fingers, but you kept the covers pulled as high as they could go.

She smiled at your movement and sat the tray on your lap, then sitting on the edge of the bed, turning her head to face.

You stared at the tray of food. You were hungry, honestly. You just weren't sure you had the energy to eat. You hadn't even showered in days. You felt disgusting, awful, and hated to let your supreme see you in such a vulnerable state.

But Cordelia was sweet, and gentle, and it was obvious that she truly cared about her girls, so you didn't protest her company.

You both sat in silence for a few minutes and you poked at your food with your fork, knowing that a Cordelia was watching you, waiting for you to eat. "Delphine has been coming back with full trays of food." She states as you look at her face for the first time.

You didn't know what to say. "You should eat. We need fuel. Even as witches, our bodies are still human, y/n." You look back down to your tray and stab a mystery piece of meat, wanting to please her.

You looked back at her as you swallowed your bite and she was smiling, a genuine smile, so you took another. She truly had the most beautiful smile. "I'm not going to force you to talk to me, y/n. But please know that I am always here to confide in. I know that I am busy, as supreme, but you girls are my number one priority, and it breaks my heart to see any of you not your best. To see you like this." You heart raced at her mini speech. You hadn't realized she cared so much as to be hurt by your behavior.

"I'm sorry." Your voice was raspy and rough from not being used for days and you cleared your throat, taking a sip from the glass of water on your tray.

Cordelia frowned at your words, "You have no reason to apologize y/n. You are not alone in your experiences, I understand your behavior." She looked at her lap now, she wasn't one to be vulnerable. To show any sign of weakness, yet here she was, telling you that she has felt the way you feel. Your heart broke for her.

"It's been rough this week." You say and she looks back to you, "It hasn't been this bad in a long time. It's not something i've dealt with to this extent in years. I feel like a train has wrecked my entire body from the inside out..." You trail off the end, regretting your words.

"I promise I will be out of my room more soon." You look down to your plate, your eyes teary and you take another bite before you spiral into a breakdown in front of her. She definitely did not need to see that.

You heard Cordelia sigh almost too quietly for you to hear as you drank from your cup, you glanced back up at her. Her eyes were already on you. "Everyone heals at their own pace, and everyone comes with things differently. Like I said, you are not alone with these feelings and I am always here for you y/n." You knew that she wasn't quite sure what to say. You just hoped you hadn't ruined her image of you. "I do not see you any differently." She stated and you cursed yourself.

You had forgotten that Cordelia could read people like an open book, especially since she rose power as supreme and gained clairvoyance abilities similar to Nan.

"You don't have to, but i'd like if you'd join me in the greenhouse. You've missed quite a few lessons and I'm getting terribly tired of caring for your plants." She was smiling and you knew she didn't mean any malicious harm in her words. You nodded your head and her smile grew wider.

"Finish up your meal and get dressed. I'll be waiting in the greenhouse." You nodded at her words and she slid off of your bed back onto the floor, smoothing her skirt. "I look forward to seeing you out and about again." Those were her parting words as she exited your room, shutting the door behind her. You quickly finished your meal, the first proper one you'd finished all week, and hurried to the shower. You wanted to get to the greenhouse as soon as possible.

a/n: sorry for mistakes

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