mortician's luck // hotgomery (pt. 2)

371 19 4

1120 Westchester Place

Billie checked the address 8 times before finally leaving her car that was parked in front of the gates of a large mansion.

It was made of red brick and quite beautiful from the outside, Billie could only imagine the beauty from the inside.

She pushed the gates and surprisingly, they opened. Not a single chain or lock kept them closed. Would this house be abandoned now? Put up for sale? Billie wondered. Maybe I should buy the house?

She walked up the drive way, glancing back to her car, almost as if to second guess her decision to go inside, as she reached the steps leading to the large wooden door.

The door itself had to be locked, at least Billie hoped so. Who knows what mischievous kids could get inside and do to the place seeing as the gate was already open?

She silently prayed for it to be locked. Maybe out of fear? She didn't know. But the second she turned the handle and the door began to open, she knew there was no going back.

She quickly stepped inside, shutting the door softly and took in her surroundings. The house was decorated beautifully.

Billie wondered who decorated it. Was it Nora? How did she match everything so perfectly? She took her time walking through the house, going through the kitchen, living room, dining hall, up the stairs, through the bedrooms.

One room was a nursery. Billie sighed sadly as she walked around it, thinking back to Nora's case. Her child that got kidnapped, the tragedy of the story. She didn't even blame Nora for ending up how she did.

It was sad walking through the home, thinking about Nora and how she had a husband and almost a family. How Billie never even got to meet her while she was still alive.

She wondered if Nora would ever show herself. Even just by voice. It had been completely silent and Billie wasn't used to that. The silence was more eerie than any other sound.

Finally, Billie found herself in a living room. She knew this was the place that it all happened. There was still blood spattered against the wall, and dried onto the carpet and hardwood.

It was a sickening sight to see, knowing exactly what happened in this very room. Knowing her very own soulmate died right here where she was standing.

A shiver went down Billie's spine and she choked on a sob. A sob she didn't even realize she was holding in.

She sank into the sofa, ears blurry with tears as she mourned the loss of a person she never even knew. A person she feared she never would get the chance to know.

"Who are you and why on earth are you crying on my sofa?" A voice rang through Billie's ears and she shot up from the couch, wiping the tears from her eyes and searching for the source of the voice.

In front of her stood Nora. Well, as much of Nora as her spirit could muster to project into the physical world.

It was quite a realistic depiction, nowhere near as ghastly and hollow as much spirits that showed themselves to Billie.

"Nora?" Was all that Billie could manage to say and Nora seemed very confused.

"I know who I am, I asked who you were." It came out more as a statement, but Billie new it was still a question. "How do you even know my name?" She quickly injected.

"Billie Dean Howard." Billie spoke again, not knowing how to continue this conversation and not knowing how to answer Nora's other question. Nora had finally showed herself, but seemed to be completely clueless to her situation? "

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