miltary time // cordelia x reader

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This one shot is by the specific request of MommyVenable69


Oh god.

Cordelia's world was shattering right in front of her eyes as she stared at Zoey.

"Cordelia?" she spoke again, now extremely worried about her supreme, and friend.

"She's leaving?" Cordelia asked, blinking a few times and wiping the oncoming tears from her eyes in doubt. "When?"

"Um..." Zoey glanced at the clock on the wall. "An hour...

Cordelia whipped her head up at Zoey. "An hour?"

"Yeah.. are you okay Delia?" Zoey was extremely worried at this point. Was there something she didn't know about?

Cordelia looked away from Zoey, fidgeting with the ring on her finger she had yet to take off. "I broke up with her." She kept her head down as she heard Zoey gasp.

"Cordelia!" Zoey said, almost like she were scolding the older witch. "Right before she's leaving?!"

"I didn't know she was about to leave! I-" Cordelia looked back at Zoey now, seeing the look of pure concern on her face. Surely Zoey knew something she did not. "What is it Zoe.."

"You were engaged Cordelia! She loves you-"

"You don't know the whole story!"

"I know enough!"

"Zoey please."

"She's going to be gone for seven. months. Cordelia. Seven. And you've just broken her heart?" Zoey's look of concern turned to something Cordelia couldn't recognize. But it seemed a lot like disgust.

"How was I supposed to know?" Cordelia bartered. Truly she had no idea you were leaving. You hadn't said a word... had you?

*** a week prior***

"Cordelia?" You yelled up the Academy stairs. You had just learned that you'd be going away again for seven months the following week and you had no idea how to break the news.

Cordelia's head popped up at the top of the stairs and she smiled at you. "Hi baby, just in my office!" and her head disappeared again leaving you to tread up the stairs, your heart beating faster than usual.

You really hated telling her when you had to leave. It was really hard on the both of you.

You cracked her office door open before stepping inside as she smiled weakly at you. Was something wrong?

"Hey Delia." You spoke softly as you walked behind her desk and wrapped your arms around her neck from behind her chair, giving a soft kiss to the top of her head.

"Hi sweetheart." She looked up at you as she spoke and you smiled softly at her. "I've got something to talk to you about."

"Oh? Me t-"

"It's important." She interrupted you. Oh...

"Oh?" You spoke again. Swallowing your words. You guessed your news could wait until after this conversation.

"Sit down for me?" She spoke softer than usual. Something must be wrong.

"Is something wrong? What's going on Cordelia..." Your voice was laced with worry as you dragged a chair up next to her and sat down.

She took your hands in hers and you saw her take a deep breath. "I love you so much Y/N..." She smiled but it wasn't her real smile. It seemed sad.

"I... I love you too Delia? What's wrong baby..." Your voice was soft as a whisper, as if you didn't have the strength to talk any louder.

Cordelia squeezed your hands softly. "I think I need time away." She finally spoke and you blinked, was she breaking up with you?

Time away... how convenient for her then.

"Time away?" You asked, barely a whisper now.

"Time... apart." You dropped your hands from hers in shock. She was breaking up with you.

"You're breaking up with me?" You stood from your chair, the squeak it made as it dragged across the ground made Cordelia jump.

"I just need tim-"

"It's fine." You cut her off. She was fucking breaking up with you. She was the one who proposed to you. And now she's done? Just like that?!

"Y/N please..." She spoke but you were already at her door. You glanced back at her, anger and sadness flashing through your face one after the other on repeat as you tried to process what had just happened.

You shook your head and slammed her door behind you as you left, going down the stairs and out to your car as fast as you could. Time away, huh? I guess she'll get her time.

***present time***

"Oh god..." Cordelia spoke aloud. You were going to tell her right before she broke up with you.

"What Cordelia?" Zoey snapped.

"She.. she was going to tell me." She spoke aloud, Zoey looking very confused.

"Right before I.. before I broke it off. She wanted to tell me something... I cut her off and then I... oh god. I'm horrible." Cordelia started to break down.

Zoey's face stayed stone. "Revel in it Cordelia."


welp- yeah 😀

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