smut lol

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forgive me but i thought i'd try to write.... smut(?) again bc it's been a long time and i don't feel pressured to and i kinda have an idea... so i just IDK BARE WITH ME BC THIS MIGHT BE SHIT (definitely unedited... my bad)


Mina and Billie would be home any minute now.

You knew that because a few minutes ago you received a text from Mina telling you very exact instructions on where and how you were to be waiting for them.

It had been awhile now since the last time you got to spend a night with the two of them together. Schedules are busy and their work had been all over the place recently.

You waited as patiently as you possibly could until you heard the front door unlock and the shuffling and clicking of their feet. Your heart raced in your chest as you stared at your hands rested in your lap.

Soon the bedroom door opened and you waited for one of them to acknowledge how well you followed Mina's instructions.

"What a good girl." You immediately looked up at the woman as she smiled and bent down to kiss the top of your head. You the bit inside of your cheek at the praise, blush creeping onto your cheeks. Billie really could make you do anything she wanted if a simple thank you was in return.

Mina simply looked you up and down and nodded, a smirk turning on her face as she walked right by you. You desperately wanted to turn your head to see where she was going and what she was doing, but you knew better than that.

"You're so cute when you blush you know." Billie said before walking off in the same direction as Mina. You took a deep breath as you waited for whatever the two had in store for tonight.

Mina's silence was both exciting and terrifying, as there was no telling what was on her mind or what kind of plans she had been creating all day.

"Darling?" You heard Billie perk up from across the room after a couple minutes passed. "Yes ma'am?" You called. "Would you come over here please sweetheart?"

You immediately rose to your feet and turned around, nearly losing your balance. You nearly lost your head when you realized Billie was already stripped and waiting at the end of the bed.

You probably broke record time of crossing a room as she beckoned you again, but this time with an out stretched finger and innocent smile.

You sunk to your knees on the cushioned chest at the end of the bed, keeping eye contact with Billie as she stayed in her same upright position.

You still had no idea where Mina went off too but good god was Billie distracting enough for you to forget.

"Hi my pretty girl." She reached out her hand and fiddled with a strand of your hair that framed your face. "Hi." It came out almost a squeak in your excitement.

The two of you were very close in distance, only you were a foot shorter as you stood on your knees so it came as a surprise when she pulled you up and into a kiss.

Now you were directly pushed against her chest and between her legs as you both sank into the kiss, her hands now entangled in the whole of your hair.

"Where'd Mina go?" You breathed out as you pulled away from the kiss. "Shhh." She didn't answer your question, just pulled you back into her.

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