white flames pt. 2 // foxxay

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continuation of white flames*


Cordelia was in the greenhouse searching for a jar of Louisiana mud that Misty had brought back from her swamp house when they visited it together a few weeks back. She knew it was somewhere here, she had just seen Misty use a bit for a blooming spell and set it right back in its proper place... but it was gone. Cordelia grew more and more impatient as the seconds ticked by and she knew Misty was alone in their room. She felt utterly stupid leaving Misty alone after promising her not too long ago she wouldn't do that again, to the best of her ability of course. But Misty was exhausted, and Cordelia knew this, so when Misty fell peacefully asleep after being escorted from the party outside up to their room, and into their comfy bed, Cordelia quickly slipped out. Misty always said that Louisiana mud could do anything and Cordelia knew this was true. There was a certain magic to believing in something, and she knew if she could just find this damn mud... maybe she could help Misty even more.

"What're ya lookin' for?" Cordelia recognized the voice immediately and swung around meeting face the face with a tired looking Misty. "Why are you awake, and out of bed?" Cordelia answered Misty's question with a question. "You weren't there, I knew you'd be here." Misty calmly replied, taking in every inch of her girlfriend's face. "Don't feel bad for leavin'. I didn't freak out none when I woke up or nothin'" Misty calmed Cordelia's nerves and swore she could almost hear a sigh of relief from the older witch. "I'm really glad, Misty, do you have any idea where that Louisiana mud of yours might be then?" Cordelia wishfully asked.

"Uh, yeah, I thin' it's in that cabinet ov'r there," Misty pointed to the far right of the greenhouse in a small cabinet under a giant potted plant with green vines spilling out the sides. Cordelia walked over and opened the cabinet, immediately finding the mud. "Wow Mist, what would I do without you, huh?" Cordelia laughed softly. "Let's go back upstairs so I can take care of you okay?" Misty nodded at Cordelia's request and took her hand in her own, Cordelia holding the mud with her other hand tightly pressed to her chest.


"Sh, it's okay, love." Cordelia cooed as Misty cried quietly while Cordelia wrapped her wounds. "I know it hurts, it'll be okay soon. Louisiana mud fixes everything, remember? You taught me that." Cordelia stopped wrapping Misty's hand and wiped a tear rolling down her cheek.

Misty nodded "Yer right, it does." Cordelia smiled as she finished with Misty's hand and stood up, picking up all her supplies. "I'll be right back okay? Do you want to come with me to put all of this back or do you want to stay here, i'll only be 2 minutes top."

Misty thought for a moment, "I'll be okay here. I'm too tired to move any more." Cordelia modded. "One minute then, love." and left the room, all her supplies cradled in her arms. Misty waited patiently for her girlfriend as she fiddled with the cloth wrapped around her hand.

How could she been so stupid? She worried Cordelia sick by touching the fire like that. She shouldn't have let her thoughts get to her like that. But it was different that time, she felt like she was almost in a trance. Too lost in her thoughts to control her behavior. She didn't know if she could've stopped herself if she wanted too... or how long she would've touched the fire for if no one else was around to stop her. But Cordelia was right, the pain wasn't there anymore. The tears still ran down her cheeks, but her hand wasn't throbbing, she couldn't even feel a thing.

"Okay, cuddle time?" Cordelia entered their room again, shutting the door behind her. Misty nodded, crawling under the covers and holding them up so Cordelia could climb in as well, and she did just that.

Thirty seconds later and they were cuddled up, Misty in Cordelia's arms and drifting in and out of sleep. "Get some rest love, you're okay. I'm right here." Cordelia whispered and kissed Misty's head. That was all Misty needed to hear, and she out like a light, Cordelia falling not too far behind.


not edited, sorry for mistakes.

really wanted to do a little part two to my earlier one shot. i really liked this small story line.

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