┈━═☆ Chapter twenty-seven ☆═━┈

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★彡 - 彡★



Ha ha just kidding! :)

Author's Pov:

With every tantilizing stroke to the little kitten's delicate skin; he whimpered.
As he looked into the truly evil dark orbs of the man that hurt him in the past,
Of the eyes he never wished to look into again yet here he was tied to a chair,
forced to look into the eyes of his beholder and in no way free of clawing at them.
The man's lips curved upward to each corner psychotically when he saw the fear in the hybrid's eyes,
The trembling of his body and the way his soft breath hitches when the knife brushed against the delicate skin of his neck.

"I told you not to run.." He husked.
The smile still was displayed upon his lips.
He traced the knife down the hybrid's exposed chest but not enough to cut him or even hurt him just enough to torture him,
To scare him
And to make him quiver.
"I told you not to run from me didn't I? Hm?" The man husked.
Now pressed to his tummy Taehyung allowed the tears to trickle down his cheeks only causing a chuckle to erupt from the other's lips.
"Why cry about it kitty? You knew this would happen didn't you? I warned you."
The low growl and knife pressing harder against his skin caused him to wince.
He hated it,
He hated being in this position again,
It was like he was reliving his past all over again.
He was in pain.
Especially since it cut him a little,
Not too deep but just enough to draw blood.
His poor tummy.

Batting his eyelashes and faking a pout when the hybrid began to sob and purposely making his lips wobble he  dropped the knife to the ground.
It echoed throughout the basement.
"What is it? Kitty can't handle a little..."
He moved to the hybrid's ear,
Taehyung's heart thumped hard against his chest as he was still in littlespace and scared for his dear life.
"Pain." The other finished.
It was a whisper.
Awfully soft yet so loud to the hybrid.
Taehyung sobbed.

Then he pulled away.
A wicked smile caressed his face.
Running his tongue over his bottom lip he held the chair roughly and moved his face closer to the hybrid's.
Taehyung scrunched his nose as all he could smell was the mustiness of the man.
Doesn't he ever shower?
"Remember kitty? We had so much fun together."
The little found it disgusting to even think about those times.
"P-pwea-" He tried to plead but before Taehyung could finish he grabbed the hybrid's chin harshly allowing the kitten to look into his brutal eyes.
"Pwease?" He mocked making his voice higher purposely.
An ugly smile formed on his face.
"Please what? You think I liked seeing you get treated so well by someone else? Or should I say...by those people?"He growled as he dug his nail into the kitten's tender skin.

Taehyung winced and shut his eyes.
He wanted all of this to be a dream.
He wanted the twins to come soon.
The torture felt like forever but in reality it was just a minute.
Just a minute and it feels like hell but he wish it would end soon.
'W-where is chu?'
Is all Taetae could think.
Where was big space when he needed it?

The man stepped back only to cross his arms over his leather jacket allowing the kitten to breathe heavily awaiting pain that the other wasn't ready to give to him...yet.
He waited and waited and waited but the man just stared and each second that went by felt like torture.
Just like the man wanted.
He shifted in the chair uncomfortably and struggled against the chains that were locked tightly around his wrist to the point where it would leave bruises.

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