┈━═☆ Chapter six ☆═━┈

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❝Rules for Taetae❞
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Jungkook's Pov:

I look over at Jeongguk when I hear someone clear their throat.
I expect him to be glaring at the hybrid on my lap but instead he just stares at yes.
"Yes Gguk?" I furrow an eyebrow confused as to why my brother looked annoyed when no one did anything to him.

He rolls his eyes and points to the hybrid sitting on my lap.
"Taehyung has to talk to us."
I see the hybrid raise his head off of my shoulder at the mention of his name and his ear twitches.
He smiles awkwardly and scratches the back of his head.
"Y-yeah. Right."

To say I was surprised at Taehyung's deep voice was an understatment.
He climbs off of my lap and stands in front of the two of us while fiddling shyly with the hem of his baby blue sweater.
I coo but Jeongguk remains expressionless and sits next to me.
Why does he look so nervous?

"As you both can see i'm in big space. ..um Jeongguk already met me but you didn't Jungkookie so hi." He waves his hand shyly at me.
I smile and feel a wave of heat lap over my cheeks.
"Hi Tae."
He blushes at the nickname then continues.

"O-okay so I know you both know i'm a little already so I just want to go over some rules that Taetae usually goes by whenever he has a caregiver."
I nod my head and Jeongguk just hums.
He takes a deep breath then continues.
"Rule number one is to always clean up after myself."
I furrow an eyebrow.
"What if you're too little to do it? Like two years or so."
"Then i'll need help."

I hum and nod my head as he continues.
"R-rule number two is to always go to bed on time. I don't have a bed time in big space but my bed time for littlespace is usually nine p.m."
I hum again and Jeongguk clicks his tongue sounding uninterested and bored.
"Rule number three is two always obey daddy...daddies in our case or else i'll get..um...punishments."

I look over to Jeongguk and he's smirking at this.
"What kind of punishments kitten?"
His voice sounds daring and I could see that Taehyung visibly gulps at that.
"Jeongguk will be in charge of that. I'm not really one to get mad easily." I shrug and Taehyung's eyes widen.

"Is that okay kitten?"
What's with the sudden nickname?
I can see that Taehyung suddenly feels shy when he looks down and blushes once more.
Jeongguk hums in satisfaction and leans back on the couch crossing his arms behind his head.

"Is that all the rules kitten?"
I look at Taehyung and he shakes hsi head.
"Rule number four. Daddies are allowed to have relationships with other people if not in a relationship with Taetae."
Jeongguk mumurs a 'cool' but I shake my head.
"That shouldn't be a rule."
Taehyung looks at me in surprise and so does Jeongguk.
I sigh.
"Wouldn't that hurt Taetae?"
Taehyung thinks for a while and Jungkook and I with for an answer.

"It would..."
"Good then it's not a rule. End of story."
I hear Jeongguk sigh and I shoot him a glare so he shuts up.
"T-thank you Kookie but I only have one more rule."
My stomach flutters at the nickname.
"What is it Tae?"
Jeongguk looks over to Taehyung expectantly and I do to.
"Taetae isn't allowed to  have cookies after nine."
I smile.

These rules are so simple.
Did he make them himself?
"Is that all?"
Jeongguk sounds soft talking to him now.
Why? He must be up to no good.
Taehyung nods but as Jeongguk is about to leave I pull him down to sit again.
He groans and I give him a sarcastic smile.
Then I look at Taehyung who is looking at me with those cute doe eyes.

"Do we get to give your our own rules if we wanted?"
He nodded hastily and gave us a boxy smiles.
"Definitely! It was hard to think of some myself."
He pouts and my heart does something.
"Ah we'll make rules for you as time goes by okay baby?"
He nods shyly and strokes his own tail.
"Okay well, what do you wanna do now Tae?"

"Cuddles!" He exclaims and Jeongguk jumps.
I chuckle and open my arms for him.
He immediately runs to me and straddles my lap burying his face in my neck.
Jeongguk huffs and leaves us alone but I know he's just jealous.
Taehyung's nose twitches in the crook of my neck and I coo.
I rub up and down his sides and he purrs.

I smile to myself and close my eyes continuing my actions.
Sleepiness overtakes me and I give into it.
Before I know it we're both sound asleep on the couch while cuddling.

Author's Pov:

Little did the Jeons know how much their life would change just because of that little kitten hybrid.


A/n: it's startinggg 😊 here comes the brattiness and an angry Gguk lol jk jk...or am I? 😏

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