┈━═☆ Chapter seventeen ☆═━┈

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❝Swimming & Confessions❞
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Jeongguk's Pov:

Taehyung doggy paddles in the water.
Both Jungkook and I are confused but he seems to be lost in thoughts.
"Can cat hybrids swim? How come he's swimming like it's nothing but when it comes to showers he's hesitant?"
It's like the question passes through one of Jungkook's ear and goes through the other.

"Kook. You okay?"
He's been quiet since earlier and it has me worried.
"Kook." I poke his side and he snaps out of his daze.
His eyes averts from Taehyung to me.
I quirk an eyebrow.
"What's up? You've been staring for quite a while now and you seem to be lost in thought."

"I thought you heard everything?"
The question confuses me.
"Everything about?..."
He smiles sadly and shakes his head.
Okay. Something's definitely up.
He doesn't seem to want to talk about it so I brush it off and look at the kitten swimming in the pool again.

Jungkook and I are currently sitting at the edge of the pool of the house that Jimin is letting us stay in.
Taehyung is swimming happily and i'm surprised but Jungkook doesn't seem to notice that the boy that has always been afraid of water is now swimming.

I'm not complaining though,
It's a cute sight to see but how? That's what i'm wondering.
How is he all of a sudden a good swimmer?
A sigh escapes Jungkook's lips and it catches my attention.
He stares at the sunset in front of us still lost in thought.

"Okay you need to tell me what's wrong because your sighing, sulking and frowning is making me feel to slap you. Are you okay?"
He doesn't spare a glance at me.
"Does it look like i'm okay?"
I roll my eyes.
Now he's really getting me annoyed.
I'm not good at this comforting shit.

"Then tell me what's wrong. Get it off your chest and it might help you to feel well."
He seems to have took it into consideration because he looks at me.
"Promise not to tell anyone? Especially Taehyung?"
Oh. That's what this is about.

Nevertheless I nod my head.
"I'm falling for him." He confesses.
I blink my twice and he buries his face into the palm of his hands.
He lets out a frustrated groan and I almost cackle.
"You think I didn't know that? If you're falling for him then what's so bad about it?"

He looks at me again.
I don't know why but my stomach doesn't feel right about that confession.
"Because he may not like me back."
I frown.
I look over to Taehyung seeing him sit on the edge of the pool across from us and send me a wink.

I look back at Jungkook after gulping and try to comfort him.
"Just go with the flow. If he likes you, he likes you, if he doesn't then try to move on."
"It's not as simple as it sounds Gguk. He drives me crazy and he knows it."
He drives me crazy too.
"So? How about this, tease him like he teases you and see where it takes you."

He gives me a disgusted look.
"I could never do that to him Jeonggu-"
"I never said to make him jealous. I said to tease him." I send him a smirk.
"You have abs for a reason. Put it to use."
He looks away from me then back to Taehyung.
"You think he'd somewhat start to like me back if I did?"
I shrug.

Taehyung grins at the both of us and waves.
His hair is drenched with water and stuck to his forehead, the shirt he's wearing sticks to his body and enhances his curves, his thighs in display and hell does he look beautiful.
The sunset shines behind him and it almost takes my breath away from how ethereal he looks.

"You're falling for him too aren't you?"
My cheeks flush red.
My head snaps towards Jungkook and my eyes widen.
He chuckles at my reaction.
"Your reaction says it all Gguk. I know when my twin likes someone."
"Because." He pauses to look at Taehyung.
"You look at him just like I do no matter how much you try to hide it. I see it in your eyes Gguk. You're falling hard."

With those words I fall silent and stare at Taehyung.
He moves his tail from side to side and kicks the water with both his feet.
I'm not able to stop the smile coming to my face.
Everything about him makes my heart melt and my heart skips a beat just from the sight of him.

I'm afraid that i've already fallen and there's no way to go back.
No matter how much I may pretend not to care I know that i've gone soft for this boy.
The way he teases me, his smile, his smirk, his eyes, his dominant side, his bratty ways and everything that makes up his personality.
I've fallen hard for him and i'm still falling so will he be there to catch me or will he be falling too?

But falling for who?
That thought is going to be in my mind for a while now.
"Whipped." I hear Jungkook say from beside me.
I shoot him a glare and slap his arm playfully.
He laughs loudly and almost falls inside the pool.

I smirk and get an idea.
"You're whipped too Kook." I push him inside the pool and dive after him.
Not before I hear Taehyung's loud giggle.
I have to remind myself that I can't smile under water so I swim back to the top and see Jungkook glaring at me.

"You are so going to die."
I laugh and swim towards Taehyung.
"Kitten! Help me!" He giggles and puts his hand out for me.
Jungkook continues to swim after me.
"You can do it Ggukie!" His voice cheering me on is all I need but as i'm about to reach him Jungkook gets ahold of me and drags me away from Taehyung.
"Shit." I curse before laughing and getting dunked under the water.
How sweet.


A/n- Double update 😋

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