┈━═☆ Chapter thirty-three ☆═━┈

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★彡 - 彡★
❝ Mischievous kitten ❞
★彡 - 彡★


Author's Pov:

"Kim Taetae!"
"Jwon Ggukie!"
"Why are you two shouting?!" Jungkook groaned.
The little kitten and Jeongguk have been shouting each other's name for the past five minutes and Jungkook was NOT having it.

The little diverted his eyes to his other caregiver and pouted,
His kitten ears dropping on his frizzy silver hair.
"Dada Ggu Ggu don' wan' gib Taetae kissies."
Jungkook sighed and pinched the bridge od his nose.
He looked at Jeongguk for an explaination who rolled his eyes.

"It's not that I don't want to give him kisses. He's shouting because I don't want him to take Jimin hyung's cookies without his permission!" Jeongguk whined.
His eyes were fixated on the little kitten who huffed at his remark.
"Das not twue!" He screamed and stomped his feet.
Jeongguk was so close to punishing the little and he sure as hell will.

Jungkook looked at the mischievous little kitten who was close to almost throwing a tantrum.
His eyes became teary as he wasn't getting his way.
He had been moody the entire morning because Jeongguk refused to kiss him on the lips.
He didn't know the other boy wanted to save their first kiss for when he was out of littlespace.

"Baby. Why are you being a brat hm? Is there something that's bothering you?"
Jungkook closed his laptop and put it to the side.
They were looking over Jimin's house until he would come back from his honeymoon with his boyfriend.

The little nodded and wiped his tears.
He rubbed his fluffy white tail and jutted his bottom lip out.
"Jus wan kissies but goo goo no wan giv it here so Taetae is being bad boy."
The little acknowledged why he himself was being bratty.
Jungkook cooed and Jeongguk groaned and whined.
Taehyung was no longer bratty to him but when he was in littlespace it was like he was begging to be punished.

"Gguk." Jungkook diverted his eyes to his twin.
The other furrowed an eyebrow.
"What? Don't tell me you're gonna take on his side cause I sw-"
"Teach him." Jungkook cut him off.
The other fell silent.
He pressed his lips into a thin line not knowing what the other meant.

"What do you mean teach him?" He questioned.
His eyes kept darting back and forth between the little and his brother.
Taetae had his finger stuffed between his lips as he stared at Jeongguk with doe eyes.
The little hated to admit it but he found the other attractive.
Big space Tae definitely did but little Tae tried to hide it.
He purposely acted like a brat so all Jeongguk's attention would be on him.

"Okay. You know how every time he's a brat he doesn't listen to you till you punish him or you get me involved?"
Jeongguk nodded;
Slowly and hesitantly.
His eyes on the other hand showed curiousity.
Jungkook gave his brother a toothy bunny smile.
"Well how about you try a different approach? Explain to him why what he is doing is wrong. I always do that and he listens so go ahead and try to explain to him why tou can't kiss him."

Jeongguk's eyes widened.
His eyes moved from the sitting boy to the one standing, still staring at him with doe eyes.
At this point Taetae was almost drooling as he couldn't hide the fact that he found both the twins handsome.
He studied every detail of the boy's face.

"You want me..."
Jeongguk pointed to himself.
"To teach...him.."
He pointed to the hybrid who giggled and continued to suck on his finger.
Jungkook stared at his brother; unfazed.
"Yes that's exactly what i'm telling you to do."
As those words left Jungkook's lips his twin frowned.
"I don't think that'll work."
"Just try and if it doesn't i'll get involved but you need to teach him how to respect you Gguk, show him who's the one in charge but deal with it in a calm manner. When you shout back at him you're only making him feel to be more mischievous. If you didn't notice his mind kind of works that way to be honest."

Jeongguk sighed in disbelief.
He looked at the blue eyed kitten and glared a little but immediately calm himself down.
He walked over to the couch and made sure that the little was looking into his eyes.
Taetae watched his every move.
His head tilted to the side in confusion and suspicion but when Jeongguk pat his lap he immediately removed the finger from between his lips,
Giggled and ran to the other only to straddle his lap and bounce a little in excitement.
This is the attention he craved for and he was finally getting it.
Let's just say that he still thought Jeongguk would give him a kiss.

Jungkook watched the scene with a smirk all of a sudden having tea in his hand to sip on.
Jeongguk held the little's waist to stop him from bouncing.
The little pouted but stopped anyways,
His fluffy white tail wrapping around the other's arm.

"Goo giv kissy now?"
Jeongguk gave him a light smile and shook his head.
When he saw that the little kitten was about to throw a tantrum he lifted his hand to caress his cheek.
Taetae purred and leaned into the touch.
He kept his eyes locked with Jeongguk's and purred even more when Jeongguk's thumb moved to behind his ear to give it a light scratch.

"Wanna be a good kitten and listen to Daddy Gguk?"
When Jeongguk referred to himself as daddy he internally cringed but smirked a little when he saw that Taetae was blushing and ready to listen.
He had scooted more on to Jeongguk's lap.
Jungkook on the other hand was close to choking on his tea as he listened to Jeongguk.

"Yeah? Okay listen. The reason why Ggukie can't kiss you is because he wants the kiss to be special. I want you to be able to feel my love and for you to be in the right mindset when I kiss you okay? Just because Ggukie doesn't kiss you doesn't mean he doesn't like you okay?"
He leaned close to the little who stood still for him to peck his cheeks.
The little kitten felt butterflies in his tummy.

When Jeongguk saw that the other was still listening to him he continued.
Jungkook lowkey felt proud.
"I haven't kissed big Tae yet so until I do so will Taetae wait to get a kiss from Ggukie?"
The little nodded vigorously.
When he was about to bounce in excitement Jeongguk grinned and hugged him close.
"D-dwoes Goo goo like Taetae like Taehyungie?"
Jeongguk nodded without hesitation as he got lost in the blue green eyes of the other.

"You both are the same person aren't you? Ggukie will like you no matter what."
The little erupted into a fit of giggles.
"Taetae understands daddy Ggukie."
Jeongguk groaned at the name.
He hated the word but he'd let it slide since it was their kitten.
"You're lucky you're cute."
He glared at the kitten playfully.
"Ggukie chu know who else is coot?"
Jeongguk tilted his head.
"Who kitten?"
"Chu." He smooched the other's cheek and immediately shifted to his kitten form about to jump on the other's lap but as soon as he did Jeongguk heard a loud groan.

He flinched and peeked to see what the matter was.
Then he made a '😬' face.
The kitten had accidently spilled Jungkook's hot tea on his lap.
"Oh boy."
Oh boy indeed.


A/n- Did ya'll miss me? 😏

Jk jk <3 but I missed ya'll :)

Excuse me if I take long to update but I've been preparing for my final exams for the past months and it's really stressful.

My final exams are literally next month and i'm so nervous T_T this one is actually super important and-iwjsjsjsj anygays I finish high school this year-nice right?

Probably. Anygays I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!! 💜💜 I enjoyed writing it and i'm a little confident about this one 😄😄

Also...THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SOOOOOO MUCH FOR 21K+ VIEWSSS 😭😭😭😭😭 I really didn't expect so much people to read this book but thank you all for reading, voting and commenting. It really means alot to me. Xoxo 😘😘💜💜

See ya 👋🏼

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