┈━═☆ Chapter five ☆═━┈

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★彡 - 彡★
★彡 - 彡★


Jeongguk's Pov:

I glare at the kitten in Jungkook's arms and it glares back cutely.
I scoff and Jungkook snaps his head at me but I roll my eyes and look forward in the direction of our home.
I'll be able to get away from that brat once we're inside.

A few more steps and we arrive at home.

ungkook unlocks the door holding the kitten in one arm like a baby then pushes the door open for us to enter.
As soon as we do I run inside and head straight to my room before Jungkook could say anything.

I flop on the bed and sigh but then I remember that Jungkook shares a room with me.
"I see you're trying to get away from the kitten Gguk. Remember we share a house."
I groan as I look at Jungkook standing against the door frame.
"Leave me be Jungkook." I grumble and weirdly enough he leaves.

I begin to unbotton my shirt while looking in the mirror.
I look at my arms flexing through the shirt unintentionally, my red tinted lips and the earrings that dangle from my ear.
I smile curtly at myself but I don't feel confident.
I always thought that I was the uglier twin.
Jungkook's body is perfect.
Mine is manly but I have a tummy.

Sometimes I feel self conscious although my stomach is flat.
I don't like how when i'm together with Jungkook in public people notice Jungkook's appearance first.
I don't like that i'm not as strong as him.
I don't like that i'm rude most of the times because i'm afraid to be polite.
What if people take advantage of me?

"Nice body." I jolt at the sound of the deep voice behind me.
I look in the mirror and there he is.
Standing with arms folded over his chest in that cute outfit.
Wait what?
"Why are you here brat?"
I scoff and throw my shirt on the bed not caring but when I see him walk towards me I panick.

"This is my home now too not so? Plus, Jungkook put me down and you didn't even notice baby."
A small smirk plays on his lips.
He sways his hips from side to side then walks in front of me hooking his arms around my neck.
"Why doesn't daddy like Taetae? Hm?"
I stay frozen in place.

He juts out his bottom lip purposely but I know this hybrid is no where close to innocent.
His eyes say different and the seductive tone in his voice does too.
I try not to give into his doe blue eyes.
Those eyes.
They're hypnotizing and I absolutely hate it.
I like brown eyes better.

"Stop touching me. I don't like you because you're annoying."
I scoff and try to push him away but he shakes his head and wraps his legs around my waist skilfully.
Basically clinging to me.
I bite my lip and fight the urge to hold his waist while still looking into his eyes.
"Are you sure about that daddy? Your body seems to be telling me different."

A sheepish smirk plays on his lips.
"What are you talking about? I'm not evening holding you right now?"
I quirk an eyebrow confused about the entire situation.
Why is he acting like this?
Doesn't he usually act like a kid?
"First of all...your big boner was printing through your pants , second of all you were staring at me for quite a while and third of all i'm in big space."
My eyes widen in shock but when he pulls away I can't help but to feel cold and in need of his touch again.

"Meet Jungkook and I in the living room after you get dressed hottie. I need to have a discussion with my daddies."
He walks out the room and the walk is sassy in a way.
Teasing too.
I gulp.
Did he just call me a hottie?
Did he just say that Jungkook and I are his daddies?
I'm so confused.

I sigh.
"What an eventful day."
I grumble and change into some comfortable clothes then meet Jungkook and the kitten hybrid in the living room only to see the kitten hybrid on Jungkook's lap giving him an innocent look.
Fuck my life.


A/n- hmm sorry if i'm moving too slow...am I or is the pace too fast?

Like am I rushing the book or not? Please let me know in the comments.

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