┈━═☆ Chapter three ☆═━┈

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★彡 - 彡★
❝Hybrid little.❞
★彡 - 彡★


Jungkook's Pov:

I wrap my arms securely around the hybrid's waist.
He giggles and clings to me.
Jeongguk does that thing where he pokes his inner cheek.
I send him a smirk as I run my hands up and down the hybrid's waist causing him to smirk and Jeongguk to look away.

"Why did he call you dada Jungkook? Is he your son? And if he is you shouldn't even be holding him like that you scu-"
"Cut the crap Jeongguk." I growl but not loud enough to scare my kitten.
"I want an explaination." His eyes look cold and I shrug sitting with the hybrid on my lap.

"He's a hybrid little."
The statement causes the beauty on my lap to look at me with his doe blue kitten eyes.
"D-dada knows Taetae wittle?"
Dada. It melts my heart when he says that.
I boop his nose and nod.
"Yes Taetae. Dada knows you're a little." I scrunch my nose cutely and he giggles.

"Yway! Taetae wike dada. Not bwig meanie guy." He points to Jeongguk causing me to chuckle and Jeongguk to roll his eyes.
"Whatever. He's just a brat."
It's not what Jeongguk says but how he says it that causes the hybrid on my lap to flinch.
He pouts and his eyes begin to get teary.
His lips start to wobble and I immediately go into caregiver mode and lift him walking around our large office with him propped on my hips like a toddler.

"Shh baby. He didn't mean it." I try to comfort and the sniffles die down.
I shoot a glare at Jeongguk but he scoffs and rolls his eyes.
I was too focused on my brother that I didn't notice the doe eyes of the hybrid little looking at me at the mention of the word 'baby'.

Jeongguk glances at us from time to time and would grumble and scoff but when I sit in my seat with the hybrid on my lap he's not able to keep his eyes off of the hybrid's squishy thighs.

I look at him and his eye sparkles.
A faint blush spreads across his cheek and I almost cumbust from all this cuteness.
"Taetae ish dada baby?"
The question seems to surprise me but I remain calm and lean close to his cheek only to press a gentle kiss on it.
I can't help it.
He's so fluffy.

His cheeks turn to a darker shade of red when I pull back.
"Yes baby. Taetae's dada's baby okay?" He hides his face behind his sweater paws shyly.
"Y-yesh dada. Dada no weave Taetae wight?"
The question has me taken aback once more.
I remove his hands from covering his eyes and give him my bunny smile.
"I would never leave you baby. Never okay?"
He nods his head and giggles moving his fluffy white tail in the air.

He leans close to my face and I stay frozen for a second but when he presses a soft kiss on my cheek I almost squeal.
"Thank choo dada. Taetae ish happy!" He smiles at me and my heart skips a beat.
Chill Jungkook.
It's only been a couple hours.
"Then dada is happy too."
I hug his waist and bury my face in his neck.
He smells like a baby.

"K-kookie that tickles~" he whines.
I smirk and leave small kisses on his neck causing him to giggle and squirm in my lap.
"Jungkook. Keep your little thing quiet please. I'm trying to work here."
I look at Jeongguk and shoot a glare at him again.
He sticks his tongue out at me.
Taetae turns his head to look at Jeongguk but I push his head in the crook of my neck instead only to stick my middle finger up at Jeongguk.

"D-dada. Taetae go ni ni now?"
Taetae's small voice causes me to coo.
He rubs his eyes cutely and his tail falls to the side on my lap.
His legs are straddling my thighs and head laid on my shoulder.
The furry feeling of his ear tickles but when I look at him he's fast asleep and Jeongguk is staring.

"Keep your eyes to yourself hoe." I mouth to my twin.
He rolls his eyes and tells me to suck his d in a whisper shout.
I scrunch my nose in disgust and play with my kitten's waist.
He scoffs and goes back to work and so do I.

I steal a few glances at my kitten and can't help but to coo as I see his squishy cheeks squished against my shoulder and his lips parted cutely.
"You're going to be the death of me kitten." I whisper to myself and heave a sigh.
His nose twitches like a kitten would and once more I'm cooing at the hybrid that is also a little.
My little kitten.


A/n-✨uwu✨ oh btw the twins have their own office together and their bOss and JiMin doesn't visit regularly if you were wondering 👉🏼👈🏼

This is Taehyung in his kitten form:

This is Taehyung in his kitten form:

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His eye colour :

Idk if ya'll can imagine it but 😅 hope you can

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Idk if ya'll can imagine it but 😅 hope you can

Thank you for reading 💖

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