┈━═☆ Chapter twenty-nine ☆═━┈

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★彡 - 彡★
❝Devil's minions.❞
★彡 - 彡★


Taehyung's Pov:

I groan at the sight of the three men in front of me that I had met earlier on before Yeosang decided to be a bitch and enter the room.
"You three again? Why are you here? Is it because your shithead of a boss isn't able to handle his fiesty little kitten?"
I fake pout and they all roll their eyes in annoyance I suppose.
Oh how I wish it sticks in their head.
The shortest one stoops down a little so his face is levelled with mine and allows a stupidious smirk to implant on his pale face.
The smell of cigarrettes and vanilla fills my nose as he does and I almost puke.
I only like the scents of Jeongguk and Jungkook.
"You know we could easily kill you right?"
His voice is calm yet daring but so am I.
I have no problem in firing back at him.
I lean closer to his face without breaking eye contact with his cat like eyes and whisper with the thrill of confidence boosting throughout my body ready to burst any second.
I allow it.
"You do know that if you  all wanted to kill me your devil of a boss will kill you right?"
I release a sarcastic smile but he grabs my neck and closes his fingers around them.
In other cases I would gape for air but I only smile not caring about the fact that he's trying to choke me to death.
Just a little longer Taehyung is what I tell myself.
Just a little longer you have to endure this bullshit.
"I will kill you myself if I had to. Don't test me bi-"

"That's enough Yoongi. You know what he's saying is right and as much as you may want to kill him we can't because you know how valuable he is."
I smile as he realeases my neck and I take a moment to breath again.
I look at the other guy that spoke and see that he smiles at me as if he's trying to be polite.
The way his lips curl to the sides exposes his deep dimples and for a second I would've considered befriending them but I can't.
They're literally the devil's minions and in the moment I trust no one.
"How are you feeling? Did he hurt you?"
The question leaves his lips in a way that could make me feel safe but I keep in mind that these people work for the man that kidnapped me,
For the devil himself,
For the person I loath so much and that was where all my trust issues began.
"Why do you care?"
I croak out.
My throat feels a little sore from the pressure the shortest of the three had applied to my throat earlier on and i'm sure it'll leave a bruise on my neck sooner or later.
His smile drops and I could see disappoinment in his eyes.
He looks like a puppy that has been deprived of threats and my stomach can't gelp but to twist at the sight.
For a second I feel guilty when he looks down and fiddles with his fingers.

The one that had his arm crossed the entire time takes a step forward and tilts his head.
His arms are still crossed and for a second he sucks his teeth.
His eyes are burning holes through my head and I could tell that he's the type of person to kill you for talking roughly to the dimpled guy.
I swallow nothing but air and look into his eyes.
"You want to try that again scumbag?"
I roll my eyes at that.
Couldn't he come up with a better insult?
I lock eyes with his dark ones and smile sarcastically once more.
These people are really pissing me off.
"What? Did I hit a soft spot? Can't your little boyfriend handle a little rough treatment or is he just a pathetic-"
I'm cut off by the stinging of my cheek and now I know to shut my mouth.
"Don't. Talk to him like that." He growls and now I feel helpless.
Tears start to prickle to the sides of my eyes when he uses that tone and the stinging of my face doesn't stop.

The memories flash throughout my head,
The memories I didn't want to remember which is:
The memories of Yeosang pulling at my sensitive ears as a punishment for me 'misbehaving.',
Yanking my tail and almost cutting my ear off just because he had a bad day.
I begin to whimper as I let the hot tears run down my burning cheeks.
I shut my eyes and allow my body to shake but I shake my head trying not to slip into littlespace.
I can't afford to be little right now.
They'll take advantage of me if I do.


Please don't, please don't, please don't..." I chant to myself until I hear the sound of the knife that Yeosang had dropped on the bare ground earlier on being lifted again and to say that I was afraid was an understatement.
What I felt right now was beyond my comprehension.
My entire body felt like it was aching.

This guy seemed harmless and I would've never guessed he would be the first to initiate pain on my skin between the three of them but as they say;
Never judge a book by it's cover because you never know what lies within it.

I gasp helplessly when I feel the familiar sharp object pressed against the skin of my neck but this time it isn't the long end, it's the tip and it's twirling lightly around my skin.
The person holding the knife forcefully grabs my chin.
No sort of tenderness.
Just complete harshness.
"Open your eyes. I want you to see me as the last thing before you meet your death."
My breath gets shaky and my body begins to tremble,
The aching becomes intense so I shut my eyes even tighter and hiss when the tip is pressed harder against my neck enough to draw blood from it.
"Do.it." He growls.
I start to sob loudly.
It echoes throughout the place i'm being held captive.
"I-I'm sorry. P-please don't h-hurt me." I plead but the dark chuckle that emitts from his lips tells me that he has no intentions of turning back.

"Open it you pathetic bitch. I want to teach you a lesson."
With every piece of courage in me I take a deep breath,
Open my eyes and look into the guy's eyes.
"Do you not remember that you can't kill me?" I try to reason.
Suddenly I don't feel like being daring anymore.
"Do you not know that I don't follow the rules darling?"
His growl earns another whimper from me.
My helpless body twists and turns as if i'm trying to escape but he holds my hips with another one of his hands to the point I could feel his nail digging into my skin through my clothing.
I let out a broken cry.
His grip is too tight.

"J-Jin hyung. I don't think you should hurt him."
The one that was seemingly about to cry when I was rude to him speaks up.
The guy named Jin drops the knife immediately at that command and goes to the guy that was trying to be nice to me earlier.
Now i'm sobbing even harder as i'm forced to watch all three of them kiss each other out of the blue in front of me.
"What do you say we have fun in front of him hm?" They both whisper in the guy's ear sandwiched between them.
I scrunch my nose in disgust.
Fucking disgusting.
I don't want to see the devil's minions fuck in front of me.
Jeongguk, Jungkook, where are you?
Jimin hyung? Hoseok?
They would've been here by now not so?

As if on cue the door swings open and my insides bubble up excitement when I see four familiar faces.
Jeongguk rushes over to me along with Jungkook as soon as they make eye contact with me.
I smile as I see them rush over to me.
Jimin and Hoseok handles the three guys with punches thrown to their faces and i'm.not shocked to see each and every one of them fall to the ground but then get back up as if it's nothing.
I couldn't be more happier as i'm released from the chains by Jeongguk and Jungkook.
My stomach is filled with butterflies as I make eye contact with the two again and see their bunny smiles.
I launch myself into both their arms and begin to cry without any shame.
I'm not able to hold it in again so I release every bit of emotion i've been holding in.
Finally i'm with my caregivers again.
"G-gukkie. Kookie." I sob,
My voice broken as ever.
They both sob in my arms the same way that I do to them.
"It's okay baby, we're here, no one's gonna hurt you again."
With those reassuring words I allow myself to pass out in their arms after hearing Jimin's angry scream.


A/n- I know it's crappy i'm sorry 😅

Fluff from the next chapter onward btw 😊💕

See ya'll in the next update :)

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