┈━═☆ Chapter thirty-five ☆═━┈

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★彡 - 彡★
❝ Peek-a-boo ❞
★彡 - 彡★


Jungkook's Pov:

The house is quiet.
Too quiet.
"Psst. Gguk." I call out to my twin as I pass by the living room's couch.
He takes another sip of his coffee and bobs his head in response;
Confusion written all over his face.
"Where's Tae?"
He shakes his head and my anxiety increases.
"I don't know I thought he was with you."

My eyes widen.
How can he be so calm not knowing where he is?!
Doesn't he remember what happened the last time?
"Why haven't you gone to look for him then?! You know what happened the last time Gguk."
He shrugs and goes back to typing.
"You go look for him. The people that kidnapped him the last time are in jail so there's no way that he could be missing again Kook. Don't worry." He speaks calmly and I roll my eyes.

"Asshole." I mutter as I pass in front of him.
He smacks my butt and I yelp.
I send a glare his way but he simply bunny smiles.
"Nice butt."
I scoff and take a sip of my water.
After having said that one word I proceed to drag myself to the bedroom to look for Taehyung.
"What a lovely help of a brother I have." I mumble under my breath sarcastically as I climb the stairs.

"Tae? Baby? You in there?"
No response.
My eye twitches as I scan the empty room.
I swear if he's not in this house i'm going to kill Jeon Jeongguk and piss on his grave.
"Easy Jeon. You're calm, you're the calm one." I try to reassure myself as I enter the bedroom and look inside of the closet.
What he be doing in the closet? You're so dumb Jeon.
I internally scold myself as I was about to open the closet door but I don't.

I proceed to search under the bed inside.
"Baby? Where are you? Kookie wants to give his baby cuddles."
Silence again.
My eyes search the darkness under the bed but all I can see is the spotless floor.
I sigh and push myself up.
"This is hopeless. Let's hope he's in the bathroom taking a dump or something or else.." I don't bother finishing my sentence.
I stuff my hands in the pockets of my sweats and whistle as I walk to the bathroom.

The door is closed so I suspect that he's in there.
I knock on the wooden door as I feel the beating of my heart increase.
Why does this feel like i'm in a horror movie all of a sudden?
The thrills are getting to me.

"Taetae? Bub? You in there?" I say in a neautral tone.
My eyes linger to the floor and I see some red lines on it.
My eyebrows furrow in curiousity and my brain almost malfunctions.
"What kind of halloween shi-"
"Jeongguk! Did you give Taehyung crayongs again?!" I shout at the top of my lungs.
I hope he says he did.
It looks a bit like blood...or paint...crayons? I can't predict it well.

"No! Why are you asking?!" His loud voice booms and echos the hallway.
I roll my eyes.
I sigh and crouch to the level of the substance.
I take a finger and hesitantly scoop a bit of whatever was present on the tiles.
Once it touches my skin I roll my eyes as I feel the texture.
"Definitely crayons." I sigh as this can only mean one thing;
Taehyung's in littlespace and he's being a brat.

Now is my chance to play along.
I know his tricks too well.
I stand up on my feet again and let my eyes wander the hallway.
I look at Jeongguk from on top the stairs and roll my eyes as I see him laughing at some stupid cat videos.
Isn't he supposed to be working?
And if he wants to watch cats so much why didn't he keep an eye on Taehyung?

I try to keep my cool.
"Deep breaths Jk. Deep breaths." I calm myself.
Once i'm back to being calm I let my eyes wander again.
"Now now. Where is that little kitten?" I think out loud.
My mind wanders to the possible places he could be located.
I checked the bedroom but I didn't check the closet.
Did I check the other bedroom?
I didn't even check the bathroom.
Wait what about behind the bedroom door?
He's sure to hide in a place like that.

"Okay first place to check is the bedroom again." I talk to myself as if guiding myself through it.
"Bedroom closet and behind the bedroom door, should I check behind the bedroom door first though or just play along and pretend that I can't find him?"
I contemplate my decision for a second before I make up my mind.
"Let's play along."
A smirk dances on my face as I enter the same bedroom once more.

"Oh how awful it would be if someone just snatches my feet from beneath the bed and pulls me into the pits of hell." I dramatically state as I plop my butt on the soft mattress.
I sit there with a grin on my face and expect to hear a giggle but I don't.
I hear a whisper.
"Warm but not warm enough Kook." I mutter to myself.
When Taehyung's in littlespace it can be so hard to find him.

I swing my feet for validation.
Once the coast is clear I hop upon my feet again and make my way to the closet.
"I need a new shirt. Oh how awful it would be if someone just attacks me from inside the closet."
I say out loud as if it's specifically directed to Taehyung.
I hear a giggle and smirk.

I take my time to open the door,
In an awfully slow manner and my lips pressed into a thin line.
The build up of the adrenaline rushing to my head doesn't help as I could feel the need to break the closet door.
"Oh just a bit more and-"
As expected the kitten hybrid launches himself into my arms and giggles when I attack him with kisses on his face.

"What is this hm? Trying to scare your dada?" I smack his butt playfully and he giggles with a hasty nod.
"Did dada get scared?"
He looks at me with his doe eyes as I wrap my arms around his waist.
His fluffy white tail brushes the side of my waist and I hum.
I resist the urge to kiss him when my eyes avert to his lips and kiss his nose and cheeks instead.
"Yes baby dada was very much scared." I lie and place another kiss on his cheek.

He pouts and pokes the side of mine.
"Don' beweeve chu. Dada din scweam." He huffs and crosses his arms, genuinely and I coo.
I carry him to the bed and sit him on my lap to which he adjusts himself to get comfy.
"Does baby wanna scare Ggukie instead?" I smirk and he nods hastily.
"Yesh pwease~ Taetae pay peek-a-boo wid Goo goo."
I hum and wipe the bit of crayon particles on his cheek.
Was he eating them?

"Okay let's go but dada has one rule."
He waits obediently for me to speak again.
"Don't make a sound okay?"

e nods.
"What?" I tilt my head as I don't understand.
"Nowed!" He says with a proud boxy smile.
"No..wed?" When I try to figure it out he whines and hits my chest with light fists.

I flinch as he screams and I glare.
"What'd I tell you about screaming baby?"
He blushes in embarrassment as I rub my ear and then looks away.
"Nu scream c-cuz neighbour think dada do somethin' bad to Taetae."
I place a kiss on a cheek and scratch behind his ear.
"Good boy." I praise and he purrs.
After a while of petting him I pull away and lift him.
"Ready to scare Ggukie?"
"Good baby."
With that we proceed to scare Jeongguk.


A/n- I'm updating alot because i'm still nervous for my final exams :')

Anyways I prommiisseee the kiss is coming soon. Sooner than you think! 😄

Damn ya'll had to wait a long time for that kiss huh? 😂

I'm surprised I didn't write smut at an early stage in this book. When I write stories smuts usually happen very early but I wanted this book to be mostly cute 🌝

Also, would anyone like to do taekook rp? :') comment and i'll pm ya. If not that's okay I just love roleplaying :3

See you all in the next chapter 😘 byeeee 👋🏼👋🏼💗💗💗

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