┈━═☆ Chapter thirty-eight ☆═━┈

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❝ Heat ❞
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⚠️🔥Steamy chapter ahead🔥⚠️


Taehyung's Pov:

I stretch over Jeongguk's lap in order to wake myself up properly.
I don't know why they're not answering me but it bothers me.
I look at Jungkook then I do at Jeongguk too.
They give me a worried look and I shake my head.

"If you two keep staring at me like that i'm going to think that you want to cook me or something. Is there something on my face?" I question and sit up on Jeongguk's lap this time.
I see him gulp.
"N-no kitten absolutely not but-"
"Baby we have a question to ask you."
My head snaps towards the area of which the voice came from; Jungkook.

I quirk an eyebrow.
"Yes Kookie? What is it?"
I focus on him this time.
Unknowingly my eyes run over his body and I almost shudder.
He gives me a confused look.
"Um are you nearing hea-"

My head falls on Jeongguk's shoulder as i'm not able to take it anymore.
Soft yet heavy pants leave my lips.
My tail curls around his arms to give it a squeeze and my stomach coils, almost burning.
I whimper in pain.
I could feel it.

"Gguk." I moan.
"Kook. Do something." I shiver again.
My voice is desperate and helpless.
"Anything just..."
I clutch Jeongguk's shirt.
My hips rut on their own and that's when I moan because of the slight friction between my a** and Jeongguk's crotch.

"Sh*t kitty." His voice husks.
'That's sexy.' I think to myself and rut my hips faster.
More consistent moans fill the air because of me.
"Oh wow. B-baby? Are you-sh*t." I hear Jeongguk curse but I could care less.

"Ahh. That feels so good." I hear Jeongguk moan.
His scent drives me crazy so i sink my face more into the crook of his neck.
I feel the buldge grow under me, the slick drip down my inner thighs and my body heat up even more.
I whimper and moan again.
"Please please. I need something. I need you two. I need it so bad. Just, help me." I gasp out.

Jeongguk stops my waist from moving and I almost growl.
I feel myself get pulled away from the warmth of Jeongguk's body.
I shudder and hold on to whoever has me in a 'don't let me go manner.'
As I open my eyes Jungkook is smirking at me.
The way he holds under my chin and whispers makes me want more;
"Is it that time baby? You need us inside of you? Is that it?" He brushes his lips against mine in a teasing manner.
My legs clench around him and my eyes water more.
"Please. It hurts so much. I wan' I want daddy and Ggukie." I slip in and out of littlespace but when that other wave hits me I curl up in a ball against Jungkook's shoulder and shake.
"Please." I plead with all the strength I have and a sniffle.

Author's Pov:

Jeongguk and Jungkook share a look.
Now that they have analyzed Taehyung's behaviour they concluded that it is heat indeed.
The strong scent from the boy's body,
The way he keeps whimpering helplessly and the fact that he had to sniffle in order to stop whatever was coming on to himself said it all.
They didn't know how this would work but boy were they willing to find out.

"Shh angel. We're gonna take care of you so good yeah? Would you like that?" Jungkook's tone was deep yet soft. It made Taehyung's toes curl.
On the other hand Jeongguk licked his lips.
His eyes were dark and hooded and hands curled into a fists.
He agreed with Jungkook with a simple nod.

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