┈━═☆ Chapter four ☆═━┈

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Taehyung's Pov:

The manly yet comforting scent fills my nose as I'm asleep on Jungkook's shoulder.
I probably shouldn't be sleeping on him like this in my human form but i'm in need of comfort and care.
Out of the two twins I find comfort in Jungkook aka dada.

I'm still in littlespace but not as much as before.
I'm in between right now so I probably regressed to seven years old.
With a soft yawn and stretch in the comforting man's lap I slowly open my eyes and look up at Jungkook.

His jaw is clenched tightly and his eyebrows are furrowed in concentration.
He's too focused on work to notice that i've been staring at him for the past few minutes.

The annoying voice almost makes me snarl but I smirk as an idea comes to my mind.
I'm out of little space for now but I don't want Jungkook to notice.
I like being held like this but I would never admit that while in big space.

"D-dada." I stutter purposely.
His head snaps towards me and I make sure to jut my bottom lip out.
"What is it kitten? Did Kookie wake you?"
I almost scoff.
Who does he think I am? A kid?
I shake my head curtly and he hums.

The soft smile that plays on his face does something to my stomach but I ignore it.
How come he hasn't heard Jeongguk up till now though?
I'm too lost in my thoughts that I don't notice the tingling feeling on my cheek after Jungkook leans in to kiss it.

"Hngh." I hide my face in his work shirt suddenly feeling a wave of shyness crash over me.
What the hell?
"So cute."
As I hear him whisper those words my stomach does the weird thing again.
A cough catches Jungkook's attention.

"Can I help you Gguk?"
I almost snicker at Jungkook's tone.
I love it when he's mean like that to his twin brother.
His hot twin brother...
I look over to the said boy and he looks into my eyes.

The look he gives me is scary and daring and for a second I let out a soft cry from fear.
He looks like he's gonna punish me.
The thought of being hurt causes md to shudder and Jungkook notices.
He pulls my waist close to him and rubs soothing circles on my lower back.

"Seriously Gguk? Stop glaring at him."
"I'm not! I'm just surprised that you're stupid enough to believe he's innocent."
I try not to listen to them but curiousity bubbles inside of me.
Does Jeongguk know that i've been trying to pester him?
"Jeongguk stop that. All you do is scare the poor little kitten."

I hear an offended gasp but I keep my face buried in Jungkook's chest listening to them bicker over me.
This is fun to watch.
Little Taehyung may be bratty but i'm naughty.
I may act like a good boy but i'm not and they're only yet to find out.

"Seriously Jungkook? It's like the thing is pestering me!"
I internally scoff.
I'm not a thing.
I'm a cute kitten hybrid.
"He's not a thing Jeongguk. Get used to being soft for once would you? It would mean alot to me if you just accept that this little kitten hybrid is ours from now on."

I look up at Jungkook at those words.
I whimper when he tightens his grip on my waist but I don't mind.
I just lay my head on his chest comfortably and inhale his comforting scent.

"Ours?! Jungkook are you out of your mine? He's a stray kitten! He could be owned by anyone!"
I'm not.
"He would've had a collar or something if he was and yes Jeongguk. He's ours. You're gonna learn to like him whether you like it or not."
Jungkook growls and that's enough to send me into little space again.

"Why is that Jungkook? All of a sudden? It's not like you share with me anyways! So why would I have to learn to like him anyways? He's yours. I don't want him."
Taetae's eyes begin to get teary.
Taetae tugs on dada's sleeve and dada wooks at him with heart eyes.

"Are you okay baby? I'm sorry for yelling. Dada's just a little angry right now yeah?"
I sniffle and nwod my head.
My tail falls alongside dada's waist as Taetae sits up to wook at dada better then at other scawy man.

"Ish d-dada fighting because of Taetae?"
Taetae eyesh is teawy again.
Taetae wants cuddle.
Wants dada.
Wants sucky.
W-wants kissy.

Dada face wooks sad at me.
"No no baby. We're not."
Then dada wooks at the scawy man and give him a scawy look.
"Right Gguk?"
Ah. Ggukie.
I wook at the Ggukie and wipe my tears away.

He wooks at Taetae and sighs before looking back at dada.
"Fine. We weren't. I'm sorry Tae."
I like it.
I let out a soft giggle and make gwabby hands towards him.
"Come gib Taetae hwug Ggukie."

He blinks at me then sighs after looking at dada.
He walks over to me and pulls me into a hug.
The hug is warm like dada's but even more comforting in shome way.
I cling to him catching him by surprise and wrap my legs around his waist.

He holds me carefully and doesn't break the hug and for the umptienth time today Taetae feels safe.
"Alright time's up Gguk. We have to go home."
My ears perk up at the word but then it's also followed by a soft cwy as the memowies fill Taetae's mind and Taetae cry.


A/n- Do you want more of big soace Tae?

Are any of my readers littles?

I am. My little age ranges from 2-4 or sometimes below 2 depending on how stressed I am. I don't have a caregiver but I don't really think I need one lol seeing as I don't regress much.

Taehyung's littlespace age can range from 2-7 yrs old.

Note: Sexual events will only take space in big space. If there are any sexual events while Tae is in little space it will definitely be consensual and innocent...

Should big tae be a powerbottom? Let me know in the comments.

Thank you for reading beautiful person 💖 😊

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