┈━═☆ Chapter thirty-six ☆═━┈

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★彡 - 彡★
❝ First Kiss ❞
★彡 - 彡★


Jeongguk's Pov:

"Taetae come back here!" I yell for the umptienth time.
The little kitten looks back at me, a wide boxy smile spreading across his face and a mischievous tongue being stuck out at me.
I scoff and continue to run on the wet  sand as he continues squealing.
Taehyung being in littlespace on the beach was worst than big space Tae being on the beach.

Not to mention his speed is outrageous when he's hyper like this.
"Tae!" I exclaim in an exasperated breath.
I'm panting from running so much and my lower abdomen hurts.
I turn my head and see Jungkook just relaxing on the sand and reading a book with a cloth spread under his body.
"Aren't you going to help me?!" I protest. "I don't even know where he is." I whine a little.
Jungkook chuckles at me and points to  a nearby rock that is way too large.
"Why don't you check behind there? It's kind of obvious he's hiding behind it."
My eyes avert to the rock only to see a fluffy white tail hanging out to the side.

My lips curl into a smirk.
"Thanks Kook!"
"No problem bro. Go get 'em."
I begin to run again but this time i'm careful with the noises I make.
The rock isn't far from where I stand.
Wet beach sand still surrounds it and waves are even able to touch the edges around it but that's not my concern.
My concern is the person hiding behind it.

I don't talk.
I just walk.
The sound of the waves crashing against the shore is what I hear along with the peaceful chirping of the birds in the air.

I walk slowly towards the little kitten; hidden behind a rock.
One step after the other and i'm only a little bit away from the fluffy white tail.
My heart pulsates in a fast manner from the feeling of adrenaline rushing to my head.
However, I keep my calm so I can capture the wild kitty that would always remain untamed unless he receives a punishment.

My back presses against the rock along with my hands.
I probably look like an ant in this perspective compared to the large rock.
The small voice melts my heart.
I know his tricks though and i'm not going to fall for it.
"Goo Taetae is sowwy for pelting chu with the s-sand. Din' mean to."
'Try harder little kitten.' I state in my mind.

Instead of staying in the spot I was once positioned in I move to the other side of the rock because I know Taetae isn't dumb and he could feel my presence near that end.
When I get to the other side I peak my head just a little enough to see what position he was in.
Fortunately he is looking for me on the other side of the rock but peaking also.
A smirk plays on my face.

Sneakingly moving behind him, i'm careful with my steps and make sure not to let the water touch my toes or else Taehyung would hear me.
He has gotten better at willingly coming to the beach but Taetae always tries to fight and scratch both myself and Jungkook.

Just a few more steps and i'm near his back.
I'm surprised he didn't turn around just yet.
I keep my eyes on his ears being lopsided due to being focused then his waist.
I'm going to grab it and attack him so he knows not to mess with me.

As planned I do so.
I grab his petite waist from behind causing him to squirm and whine.
He even tried to punch me in my nose from reflexes.
"Kitten relax! It's just Ggukie." I groan as he actually hits me in my nose.
He stops fighting and I take the chance to pin him against the rock.
"Jeon Jeongguk!" Taehyung's voice roars throughout my ear.
Oh yay!
He's back.

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