┈━═☆ Chapter nine ☆═━┈

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❝Massage and Cuddles❞
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Jungkook's Pov:

"Be safe Jungkook-ah."
"I will hyung. Same to you."
I wave at Jimin before walking home.
A sigh escapes my lips and I honestly can't wait to be at home with my little kitten.
My back hurts and I just want to sleep.

A few more steps and i'm at the doorstep.
I get my spare keys out but then I hear a giggle and a squeal.
"Get back here you little brat!"
"Mwake me old man!"
I shake my head with a smile and unlock the door.

All the chaos halts and I see Taehyung with the brightest smile on his face when he sees me.
His cheery voice relaxes me.
"Hi baby."
He giggles and runs to me as Jeongguk just stands there with a pout and folded arms.

I chuckle and successfully catch the little.
He giggles and presses a sloppy kiss on my face.
"That's not fair. You didn't give Ggukie any kisses kitten~" Jeongguk complains.
I look at him with a quirked eyebrow.
"Already warming up to him Gguk?"

He scoffs and looks away from us.
I shake my head and chuckle.
Taehyung stays quiet only to stick his tongue out at Jeongguk again and wiggle out of my arms to run.
"Kids." I mumble as Jeongguk begins to chase him and he squeals and giggles again.

Despite the squeals and giggles ringing through my ear and almost deafening my ability to hear my heart melts at the sound of the childish sounds.
"M sowwy Ggukie! Taetae will be good boy!"
I go to the kitchen to get a glass of water as Jeongguk tickles Taehyung on the couch.

I watch the scene with a smile on my face.
I'm happy that they're getting along.
"Say you won't do it again kitten."
Jeongguk continues to tickle Taehyung's sides and I could tell that Taehyung is almost out of breath.
"Taetae won' do i-it haa! Agwain! Dada help~" he tries to escape from Jeongguk and I chuckle.

"Alright that's enough Gguk."
I place the glass in the sink and Jeongguk finally stops.
Taehyung takes the chance to catch his breath then pout.
"What did he even do anyways?"
Jeongguk shrugged.
"He bit me."
I laughed.
"That's why you have him breathless?"

Jeongguk's eyes widen and I roll mine as I walk over to the little kitten hybrid.
"Your mind is dirty Jeongguk."
He scoffs and crosses his arms as I lift Taehyung but when I do I groan in pain and they both look concerned.
"Was wong dada? Did Taetae hwurt chu?" His eyes become teary and his lips begin to wobble.

I sigh and shake my head as Jeongguk sits there in silence.
"You didn't baby. Dada just had a long day at work yeah?"
I sit next to him and pull him on to my lap immediately kissing away his tears.
"That's why you arrived so late. Did Jimin make you do all the work today?"
I shrug and give him a nod.
"Yeah but it's not big deal."

He hums and leans back on the couch with a smirk on his lips.
"I should punish him."
I start to pet Taehyung and he purrs not even listening to our conversation or at least I think so.
I sigh.
"For the last time Jeongguk. He has a boyfriend."
Then he frowns and pouts.
"Fine." He scoffs. "I didn't like him anyways."

His grumbling makes me annoyed but I ignore it.
The sweet sound of my baby's voice travels through my ears and once more I feel like all my worries are gone.
"Yes baby?" 
Suddenly he gets shy when we make eye contact but he maintains it despite the blush creeping on to his face.
"W-who ish Jimim?"
I panick for a second but then I tell myself it's okay to tell him.
Why was I even panicking in the first place?

"That's dada's and Ggukie's boss baby."
He nods his head slowly but then his eyes sparkle with curiousity.
"Was' a bwoss dada?"
I smile at his innocence.
"It's the person someone works for."
He nods his head cutely then sucks his thumb and lays on my shoulder.

I smile and stroke up and down his waist and he purrs snuggling up to me but then suddenly I hear a grumble.
I look at Jeongguk and he looks away.
"Gguk." I call out softly.
"What?" He sounds aggravated.
"Can you hold Taehyung for me? I want to go change my clothes."
He hesitates but then nods.

I lift Taehyung off of my lap and place him on Jeongguk's.
I see my brother gulp but I shrug it off and go to the bedroom to change my clothes.
I do more than just change my clothes though.
I take a shower and change into some sweats alone then flop on to the bed.

"What a day." I grumble.
I close my eyes and i'm about to fall asleep but then I feel a weight on my back.
Oh boy. My back.
"B-baby. Dada's back hurts."
I hear silence then I feel his hands start to pinch at my muscles.

"Who said I was in littlespace daddy Kook?"
My eyes immediately fly open and I'm about to turn around when he stops ne.
"Shhh. Let your baby take care of you."
This boy is no doubt a flirt.
When in littlespace he's so innocent but when  he's out? So tempting.

"Feels good?"
I close my eyes and relax.
I moan in satisfaction as he massages all the right places of my back.
"Y-yeah. Just like that T-Tae-gosh."
I hear him chuckle and he runs his hands up and down my back.
"You have alot of muscles. I want to bite them."
What the hell?

I don't pay attention to what he's saying anymore.
I just close my eyes and enjoy the message that he gives to me and in no time I feel better.
He hugs me from behind and I sigh.
"Taehyung. Please get off of me. I can't sleep like this."
"How do you wanna sleep then?"
"On my back."

There's a moment of silence before the weight that was once on my back is no longer there.
"Do it Kookie. I wanna lay on you."
I ignore his words too tired to even think anymore.
I lay on my back instead and close my eyes only to feel Taehyung's leg thrown over my waist.

"Goodnight Kookie."
"Goodnight Taehyung."
I let myself drift off into dreamland after another weight is on the bed and Taehyung lets out a soft whine.
I shake my head knowing it's Jeongguk just teasing him so I smile and enjoy the cuddling of Taehyung, my brother and I.


A/n- This book is #1 in gguktaekook 😮 woah. Does that mean my writing is somewhat okay? Yay! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter ❤

Thank you for reading and don't forget to stream Life goes on 😊 but take care of yourselves too.

His hairstyle though 😭😭:

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