┈━═☆ Chapter twenty-one ☆═━┈

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★彡 - 彡★
❝Awkward & sexual tension❞
★彡 - 彡★


Author's Pov:

After the encounter with Taehyung rutting his hips against Jungkook's thigh,
Jeongguk being in a towel and asking Taehyung if he enjoyed his moans and Taehyung being completely frozen,
Awkward and sexual tension filled the air.

They continued their morning like they normally would but there would be times that:
Jeongguk held Taehyung's waist from behind so he could 'get to where he's going',
Jungkook would stare at Taehyung still trying to figure out what happened and Taehyung would cough spitefully to break the silence.

It was no secret that the trio felt awkward after the situation but it was also no secret that it had a massive amount of sexual tension between the hybrid and the twins.
Now Jeongguk and Taehyung was in the kitchen and Jungkook was showering.

Taehyung's heart almost beat out of his throat.
His hand ceasing in action from making his breakfast and his body almost whimpering when the twin held him from behind.
It would be natural if he was in littlespace but being out of littlespace he couldn't control his emotions.

"Hmm?" He tried to remain calm but feeling the other's face nuzzled in his neck had him gay panicking.
"You didn't answer me. I asked you a question kitten."
Confusion was written on Taehyung's face.
He swallowed his own voice that wanted to come out when he felt the younger's lips graze against his sensitive ear.
"B-but I answered you."

Jeongguk was not having it.
He turned the hybrid around and pinned his hips against one of the lower cupboards.
Staring intensely into Taehyung's eyes after having done so the hybrid felt his breath caught in his throat.
He hated Jeongguk having control over him.

"The question this morning. Is that why you were rutting against my twin's thigh or was it because you prefer him over me?"
Taehyung would smack the other for being so stupid but he kept his cool.
He took a deep breath and allowed hinself to be confident again.
"What if I do prefer him over you? What're you gonna do about it?"

Wrong question.
It was the wrong question to ask.
The sexual tension in the air was so thick that you could take a knife and try to slice it but it still wouldn't go through.
Wordlessly Jeongguk leaned close to the hybrid's lips.

Eyes darting from the hybrid's lusty eyes to his lonely lips.
"I'm not going to do anything about it because kitten..."
He brought his hand to cup one side of the other's cheeks and then locked eyes with the hybrid again.
His lips were only centimetres away from the other's.

"Because darling."
His hot breath fanned the other's lips.
"I don't like you."
That's a huge lie. A massive lie. A lie.
Taehyung didn't let it faze him.
He knew what the younger was doing and he rolled with it.
Maintaining eye contact he let their lips hover above each other's closer than before.
"Oh really? Then if you don't like me why did you ask if I prefer him over you?"

Then the awkward tension fell upon them once more.
Jeongguk completely shifted away from the hybrid and he looked away.
He nibbled on his bottom lip not knowing what to say but Taehyung smirked.

"Because it's true isn't it? You like me...or do you like Taetae? Because either way we're in one body and you'll have to learn to li-"
"I don't like you!"
Now it was Taehyung's turn to be silent.
He pursed his lips together and brought his own bottom lips between his teeth.
Jeongguk regretted it.

The way the hybrid's eyes started to glisten from the way he shouted at him made him feel guilty.
So looking away Taehyung fiddled with his fingers slowly slipping into littlespace until...
"What the hell was that Gguk? You don't shout at him like that."
Jeongguk's eyes snapped towards his brother.
Jungkook was the last person he wanted to see in the moment.

The hybrid on the other hand looked at the humans back and forth.
The tension between them made him feel uncomfy.
"How is that my fault? He's the one that-"
"That's bullshit. You don't shout at him like that Jeongguk. Control your anger."
Jungkook's voice dripped with venom.
The hybrid whimpered unconsciously.

"Oh piss off Jungkook! You're the one that wanted me to like-"
"I just wanted you to treat him equally but apparently you fail so much in doing so."
"You don't even realize that I actually try. I try because I care about both of you! Yet here you are-ugh I can't deal with this bullshit. Have your fucking way."

With that Jeongguk stormed out of the kitchen.
Taehyung's eyes brimmed with tears as he hadn't understood a thing that just happened but Jungkook immediately taking the look on their kitten's face into consideration felt a wave of guilt gush through his body.

"Nu! Taetae wan Ggukie."
Tears were pouring down his face.
Jungkook could feel his heart clench at the side but he shook his head and opened his arms.
"C-come here baby please."
Guilt. He hated that he had somewhat made his kitten cry but was it really his fault.
"N-nu. Nwot until Dada go gib Ggukie kisshy and huggy."
The little kitten seemed to be dead serious.

The pout on his lips, arms crossed over his chest and tears continuing to fall down his cheeks.
His eyebrows furrowed an 'anger' and he had puffed his cheeks to express his anger even more.
Jungkook cooed internally but nodded in understanding.

"Ggukie and Dada will make up okay? But can Taetae forgive Dada?"
Taehyung's ears twitched.
A light blush formed on his cheeks and he couldn't help but to look away to fight the urge to smile.
Jungkook knew the hybrid couldn't stay mad for long.
"If Dada apologizes to Ggukie will Taetae accept his cookies?"

That was enough to have the hybrid immediately wiping away his tears and running into Jungkook's arms.
"Les' go gwet Ggukie to forgib dada." He made a superhero pose and received a kiss on his cheek.
"Let's get it baby."
The little kitten blushed and hid his face in the younger's neck before Jungkook walked up the stairs to 'make up' with Jeongguk.


A/n-These chapters seem short but are actually 1000+ words ☠

I can write longer if you all like? 👀

Is this story boring? Don't worry alot of fun things are gonna happen from now on 😏

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