┈━═☆ Chapter eight ☆═━┈

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★彡 - 彡★
❝I hate you❞
★彡 - 彡★


Taehyung's Pov:

The panick in his eyes satisfy me.
"Cat got your tongue?"
I tsk and get off of him.
He stays frozen in place and shakes his head.
"I was just in shock, you can't really blame me for that"
He scoffs and I boxy smile innocently.

"Wait till daddy hears about this."
He shakes his head rapidly.
"Do not do that i'm telling you, Jungkook will kill me."
I tap my chin with my finger and make sure one hand is holding my towel.
"What if I don't?"

He sighs.
"I'll do anything you want."
This brings a smile to my face.
"For how long?"
"Three days."
"Too short."
I'm about to walk out of the bathroom but he pulls me by my hand to stop me.

I suck my teeth a little annoyed but the words that leave his lips makes me grin.
"Fine i'll do it for a month."
I shake his hand and he grumbles something under his breath.
"What was that?"

I walk to him and he panicks.
His breath becomes shaky as i'm closer and I could see the panick in his eyes but due to being the stubborn guy he is, he says the stupidest thing.
"I hate you."

It came out as a soft whisper.
I'm sure if I would've gotten closer he probably would've squeaked or something.
Normally I would slip into littlespace from words like that but I know he didn't mean it.
"You don't."

Before he could say anything I walk out of the bathroom and dry my skin not caring that he could walk in on me any second now.
We're both guys so it wouldn't be awkward right?
I bet he's not even gay.
Maybe he is but he's just too stuck up to admit it.

I change into Jungkook's clothes;
A blue hoodie.
If I wear anything under it'll hurt my tail so I have no choice but to wear nothing under.
Thankfully Jeongguk comes in the room after i'm dressed but when his eyes fall on me I could clearly see that they are dark.

"Finally realizing what you're missing?"
He pokes his inner cheek and I sit on the bed and smile innocently.
"When will you realize that i'm not attracted to you?"
"I never said you were."
His face pales and he shys away.
"Whatever. How come you never wear boxers?"
"They'll hurt my tail."

He pauses for a second to think.
Wait for it...
"Jungkook doesn't mind?"
Ding ding ding.
There it is.
I shake my head.
"He doesn't even know that. Jealous?"
I smirk playfully and he fake gags.
"No thank you. I could care less what Jungkook does with you."

I hum as my eyes follow him.
He's on his phone and leaning against the wall.
Who does that in their house?
A sudden urge to annoy him bubbles inside of him and I know just how to.
"Are you a virgin?" He drops his phone and coughs.
I try to keep my giggle in but there's no use.

I let it out and he glares at me but I don't care.
"What makes you think i'd be a virgin?"
I try to calm myself down from laughing.
"Y-you just seem like it."
When he begins to walk to me I shriek and throw a pillow at him.
"Do not come any closer Jeongguk I swear."

The smirk on his lips tell me it's time to run but unfortunately for me my body stays still and i'm frozen.
'Frick frick frick-'
"You wanna say that again kitten?"
Should I?
His eyes look daring and I love me a challenge so why not?
"I bet you're a virgin."
He pulls the pillow from in front of me and I immediately resort to hiding inside the hoodie.
"That's what I thought."

His presence is no longer there but I begin to tremble from fear.
Was he really gonna do something?
No Tae he wouldn't.
He'd never hurt you...

His voice is laced with concern but I don't move.
I stay in one spot with the covers over my head and lay on the bed hoping he would just leave me alone but then again I don't want him to leave me alone because i'll be afraid.
"Taehyung, kitten, i'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

I could feel him pulling the covers off from my face but I whine and shake my head.
"G-go away."
I'm no longer able to control it anymore.
The tears that once threatened to fall shamelessly dances down the surface of my cheeks.
"Kitten. I'm so sorry. Ggukie's sorry."

The minute he uses that voice I slip into little space.
"G-gukie ish sowwy?"
Taetae peeks through the covers and Ggukie smiles at him with a nod.
I slowly begin to come out but flinch a wittle when he opens his arms.
"It's okay kitten. It's Ggukie. I'm not going to hurt you."

I want to crawl over to Ggukie but at the same time Taetae ish very lazy now and want to be super smol so Taetae turn into kitty and cwals out of dada hoodie.
P-pwease hold me dada.
As if Ggukie understands he pulls me on to his lap and begins to cawess Taetae's hair.

Taetae go rrrr and rub his head on Ggukie's hand.
Ggukie giggles and Taetae wubs the sound sho Taetae makes that sound again.
I wub seeing Ggukie happy even if he ish a meanie.
Taetae understands.
Taetae aways understands.

"You like getting pet don't you kitten?"
Ggukie wets out angel sound and Taetae heart is filled with joy.
"Works every time."
Taetae hums and snuggles up to Ggukie's hand feeling a wittle tired.
"Mweow meow."
Taetae closes eyesh then falls om Ggukie's shoft stomach sho Taetae cwan ni ni.
"Sleep tight kitten. Ggukie's got you."
Taetae feels safe in Ggukie's arms.


A/n- not me almost falling asleep writing this chapter ☠

Hope you all enjoyed 💜

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