┈━═☆ Chapter thirty-two ☆═━┈

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★彡 - 彡★
❝ Beach Day ❞
★彡 - 彡★


Author's Pov:

The past month caused the three boys to grow closer.
Taehyung had been giving the twins attention equally,
Cuddling and occassionally kissing them on their cheeks.
He didn't go further than a kiss on the cheek as he found it unfair that he kissed Jungkook and not Jeongguk on the lips and because the younger still wanted their kiss to be special.
So they came to the conclusion that he wouldn't kiss Jungkook till he had his first kiss with Jeongguk.
The other was a bit disappointed at first but he understood in the end and converted the times he wanted to kiss the other to cheek kisses instead.

Taehyung's Pov:

A low purr emitts my throat as I feel the large hand caressing my fur.
I listen to the heartbeat of the human below me and feel the heartbeat of the other as my kitten feet rest on his chest.
"Baby? You awake?"
Jungkook chuckles deeply,
His raspy voice tickling my sensitive ears although he's far away from it.
I may or may not have fallen asleep in my kitten form last night.

"Is that a yes or a no?"
It's a no.
I don't respond.
Instead I cover my face with my paws and yawn.
"You're so adorable."
He brushes my tail but I smack his hand away with my paw.
He should know better than to touch my tail.

"It's time to wake up baby."
"Meow." I argue and slither my body more on to Jeongguk's chest instead.
The other human sleeps with his lips slightly parted.
What a deep sleeper.
"Baby. Come on."
Jungkook is about to snatch me so I can get up but I lay on Jeongguk's chest entirely this time and lick the skin of his neck with my rough tongue.
He groans and stirs in his sleep.
If I could smirk I would but I can't.
Not in my kitten form anyways.

I look at Jungkook to see him glaring at me.
I lay on my stomach on Jeongguk's chest and move my tail from side to side in attempts to be sassy with him.
"Don't test me Tae."
I meow again in attempts to mock him.
I should really shift back into my human form right now.

Oh no.
I stay still.
I maintain eye contact and blink my eyes boredly; testing his patience.
His voice gets more stern as he continues to count but I remain unfazed.
"Four....don't let me get to five."
Or else what? He'll punish me? Ha!

I roll my eyes and lay my cheek against Jeongguk's chest.
His hand automatically goes to my back and caresses it when I crawl closer to his neck.
"Mmm. Kitten?" He grogs.
Jungkook clicks his tongue.
"That's it. I'm beating the two of ya'll with this pillow."
When he pulls out the pillow I meow loudly and sprint off Jeongguk's chest causing Jungkook to hit him with the pillow and panick as he sees the other's glare.
I internally laugh.
Sucks to be slow.
With that I run to the living room and shift into my human form again loving the way nothing but their shared hoodie fit me.

Author's Pov:

After a morning of Jeongguk chasing after his brother in attempts to make him feel the wrath of the pillow hits and Taehyung laughing his butt off every time the two would run in front of him they made the decision that it would be nice to have a beach day.
This is what Jungkook originally planned but, well, you can see how their morning was already so he completely forgot to mention it to them until they were eating breakfast.

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