┈━═☆ Chapter fifteen ☆═━┈

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★彡 - 彡★
❝His owner❞
★彡 - 彡★


Jeongguk's Pov:

I grumbled like I always do.
Who could possibly try to be disturbing me at this time?
It better be Jungkook or else i'm throwing hands.

I walk to the door leaving a whining Taehyung in bed.
I know he wants to get spanked some more but unfortunately this person rudely tried to stop us from doing so.
I open the door with an annoyed look on my face only to be met with the face of the one and only Park Jimin; Jungkook and I's boss.

"Mr. Park? What are you-"
"Jeongguk. May I know what you were doing? I heard some weird sounds."
Why is he even asking me this? That's my business.

quirk an eyebrow.
"With all do respect Mr. Park that is not your concern."
I know I can get fired for this but he has no rights to come to our property and ask me what I was doing in my own house.

Strange enough, his lips curl to the sides and he looks behind me.
"Who is that Jeongguk? Step aside."
I gulp and shake my head hoping Taehyung would just go back to the room.
"Jeongguk." His voice is demanding but I don't budge.
I could feel Taehyung's presence getting closer to me.
What the fuck is he doing?

"Minnie?" Then I freeze.
He knows Jimin?!
"Come here kitten." Jimin smiles and opens his arms.
I look back at Taehyung and he shrugs at me before running into Jimin's arms.
"I missed you Minnie~"
I grit my teeth when Jimin's arms wrap around his waist.
Why is he touching him like that?

"Care to explain what's going on boss? How did you even know Taehyung lives here?" He keeps Taehyung propped on his hips and rolls his eyes at me.
I've never seen him act so informal with me and it's annoying or maybe it's the fact that he's touching Taehyung. I don't know.
"Let's go inside yeah? If I stay outside here longer i'm afraid someone will see." I just nod my head.

Despite being more confused than ever I move to the side and allow my boss to come in.
He walks to the couch and sits with Taehyung on his lap that giggles.
I've never seen Taehyung look so happy before and to be honest it makes a little part of me sad.
Am I doing a bad job? Is all I could think.

"Have a seat Jeongguk. This is your house after all." I sigh.
I sit next to them and he turns to me a little still having Taehyung on his lap.
The hybrid's head is laid on his shoulder and the look in his eyes screams nothing but mischief.
I ignore it and look at Jimin.

"So..Taehyung and I knew each other because I used to take care of him after his previous owner."
He starts to explain and I squint my eyes.
"Before you continue, who was his previous owner and how did you find him?"
He sighs and Taehyung closes his eyes.

"H-His previous owner goes by the name of Yeosang and h-he was a little abusive of Taehyung. He would pull his ears and tail spitefully and cut his thighs whenever Taehyung spoke to someone else."
I look at Taehyung to see if he reacts at all but he doesn't. Instead he buries his face in Jimin's neck.
I nod for Jimin to continue and try to ignore the heat rushing to my head after I heard what that person did to Tae.

"S-so one day he was running from this owner because it got pretty bad that night. I don't know if you noticed or saw before but his owner carved his initials on his lower back just because Taehyung made eye contact with another guy then beat him after he was done. He fucked someone on top of that and made Taehyung watch. They also hurt Tae and left him there in the basement but Taehyung managed to get out."

Taehyung starts to shake but he calms down when Jimin strokes his waist.
"What kind of sick human beings are those? That's fucking stupid."
My voice is harsh and it causes Taehyung to flinch.
I frown but Jimin continues to rub his sides to calm him down.
"Those humans hated hybrids. H-he just wanted to use Taehyung for his own benefits." I frown even more.

"What do you mean by benefits?"
"....oh." crap. I didn't make him uncomfortable did I?
"Yes so Taehyung's not a virgin if you're wondering." I don't know how to respond to that so I just hum.
"But wait. Why are you suddenly telling me all this?" I question.
He smiles sadly.

"Because his owner is back Jeongguk."
My face pales.
I try to remain calm but my hand runs cold.
"O-okay and if he's back then what does that mean?"
Taehyung starts to sniffle and Jimin immediately rubs the back of his ear.
I take note of this.
"It means that he's going to take what's his Jeongguk. He's coming back for Taehyung."

I shake my head.
"That can't be. How will he know that Taehyung is staying with us? We kept him hidden."
"Yes Jeongguk but.." I could see the concern in his eyes.
"But what hyung just spit it out."
I run my hand through my hair in frustration.

"Taehyung didn't."
I look at Taehyung and I could clearly hear his sobs.
My heart aches for some reason but I ignore it.
"So he saw him?"
He nods his head and my heart races faster.
"I'm afraid so."

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.
That was alot to take in in the matter of some minutes.
"So." I open my eyes again. "What do we do?"
"You're all gonna have to move."
My jaw drops.
"But hyung we worked so hard to get-"
"It's either this place where Yeosang could easily find Taehyung or a house that I have that is big enough for you three and safe. Make your pick Jeongguk."

I close my eyes again and take another deep breath to calm down before opening my eyes again.
I look at Jimin then Taehyung that is calm in his arms again.
"Does Jungkook know about this?"
Jimin is about to answer when I hear a voice from behind me.
"Yes. Jimin hyung told me everything."

My head whips behind me and i'm met with the sight of Jungkook in casual clothes and Taehyung running into his arms already.
He catched the hybrid and continues to look at me then flashes a bunny smile.
"Want to protect our hybrid Jeongguk?"
Without hesitation I nod my head.
"Good." Jimin speaks again and stands up from off of the couch.
"Today you move."
He exits and I look at Jungkook that just nods his head and Taehyung giggles.


A/n- Don't worry this book is no where close to finishing 😂

Thank you all for 1k+ views! I really appreciate it~ ✨ :)

See ya'll on the next update 😊

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