┈━═☆ Chapter fourteen ☆═━┈

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Author's Pov:

Jeongguk placed the hybrid on the bed.
Tarhyung looked up at him with doe eyes in attempt to get away from his punishment but unfortunately Jeongguk wouldn't let it slide.
He took punishments seriously.

"Tell me what you did kitten and tell Ggukie the truth."
The little kitten hybrid looked at the boy in front of him then looked away while munching on his bottom lip.
"Look at me when i'm talking to you Taehyung."

The fact that the hybrid was in littlespace made it hard for him to be bold with the other.
He felt small under Jeongguk's gaze and that's exactly what the younger wanted.

"Taehyung." The younger gritted his teeth.
If looks could kill then the hybrid would be dead.
He began to tear up already.
"G-ggukie Taetae ish sowwy. Pease don gib Taetae punishies."
The little hated punishments.
He found them mean but Jeongguk clicked his tongue knowing the little was only giving him those eyes because he wanted to get away with what he did without getting punished.

"I'm sorry kitten but Ggukie has to punish you yeah? What you did was wrong." Jeongguk tried to reason but the little shook his head.
"I-I wan dada. Weeb me awone Ggukie." He sniffled.
The little crack in his voice had Jeongguk wondering if he was too harsh on the little.

"Weeb me awone! Chu no understand that chu hurt T-t-taetae. Chu so mean. I hwate Ggukie. Ggukie ish no nice." He screamed.
The little expected the boy to get angry but to his surprise he didn't.

Jeongguk's face softened and guilt overtook his body.
He relaxed his face trying to look more welcoming to to the little but Taehyung shook his head and scooted away more on to the bed.
"Ggukie ish mean. Wan dada not chu."

Jeongguk frowned.
The little had curled up in the bed with tears streaming down his face and his knees tucked to his chest.
His thumb finger pushed into his mouth and his ear constantly twitching in irritation. His tail gently resting on the bed.

Jeongguk heaved a sigh.
He pinched the bridge of his nose and tried to make eye contact with the hybrid but he closed his eyes and started sucking faster on his finger.
Barely audible but the kitten could hear. Clearly but he ignored the other.

"Baby." He called out but the kitten didn't respond.
His nose twitched and he sniffled as he continued to suck on his finger.
"Kitten?" Jeongguk tried again and this time the hybrid opened his eyes but only to glare at the boy in front of him.

"Wash chu wauff?" Jeongguk didn't understand a thing he said.
"Wah chu wauff?" Jeongguk blinked.
He tried to figure out what the hell the kitten hybrid was saying.
"Are you trying to ask me what I want?" The kitten nodded his head slowly.

Jeongguk smiled.
He opened his arms and the kitten hybrid contemplated on whether or not to comply.
"Come on kitten please?~ Ggukie is really sorry. If you come into my arms I wont punish you."
The hybrid's eyes lit up.
"Reery? Chu won punish Taetae?"
Jeongguk hesitated but shook his head.

He didn't know that the hybrid was really good at acting.
He didn't know that the hubrid slipped into bigspace for a second and came up with a plan.
He didn't know that letting this slide would lead to Taehyung being a bigger brat in the future.

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